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Sep 25, 2020, 5 tweets

US Update: 9/25/20

Graph 1: Daily Deaths + Current Hospitalizations

*Multi-Day Update

- Hospitalizations have the first Week-over-Week (Wow) rise since late July
- Reported Deaths DOWN 162 WoW. Still a LOT of legacy death laundering (very old deaths counted as new)


Graph 2: COVID ICU Census vs. Deaths (7DayAvg) vs. Daily Detected Cases

***Still seeing large backlog dumps of old deaths

- 7-Day-Avg Reported Deaths down 75 WoW
- ICUs keep dropping
- "Cases" from mass/forced college testing + case definition changes = artificial increase


Graph 3: Daily Tests + Detected Cases + Case Positivity

***Still don't see how so many tests are being done daily. Who are the people getting tested and why?

- Test Positivity down 0.5%
- Tests up 110k WoW
- Detected Cases up 214 WoW (0.2% Positivity)


Graph 4: Coronavirus - Census for Hospitalizations vs. ICUs vs. Ventilators

- Hosps up 143 W-o-W
- ICUs DOWN 119 W-o-W
- Vents Down 119 W-o-W

*Vents far lower than prior low point


Graphs 5: Daily Estimated Cases vs. Deaths

Tests shot up to almost 1.1M, so I changed the threshold to 1.2M for daily tests in the formula.

Somehow we're testing more people despite less COVID-Like Illness (CLI).

If we were testing 500k, we'd feasibly see ~24k "cases."


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