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Sep 25, 2020, 8 tweets

Health care is on the ballot this year. 

Follow along for the next hour as we’re joined by some incredible EMILY’s List women to talk about the importance of health care access and protecting the Affordable Care Act. #ELCare

Let’s get started!

Q1: What has health care access meant to you and your family? #ELCare

Q2: How did health care access impact your decision to run for Congress? #ELCare

Q3: Right now there are more than 27 million people across the country going without health care coverage — and even more are losing their health care every day during the COVID-19 pandemic. How do you plan to address this in Congress? #ELCare

Q4: Health care disparities put marginalized groups and those in low-income communities more at risk. How will you address the many fundamental health disparities that exist in our country? #ELCare

Q5: What’s your opponent’s position on health care access? #ELCare

Q6: Right now, Republicans are fighting to dismantle the Affordable Care Act and kick millions of people off of their insurance — even during a global pandemic. A case is set to be heard before the Supreme Court on November 10th.

What’s at stake this year? #ELCare

Q7: At EMILY’s List, we believe that reproductive health care is a human right.

How will you help make abortion and other essential reproductive health care services more accessible to all? #ELCare

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