#DigitalHealth Futurist 👨‍💻 Profile picture
#DigitalHealth Futurist. Recovered from over a year of living with #LongCovid. Health Data, Human Focus, Global Perspective. Tweets my own.

Sep 25, 2020, 13 tweets

Just got my latest super advanced health wearable, the #FitbitSENSE - it's unique in having an Electro Dermal Activity (EDA) sensor - I noticed the packaging mentions "stress management", "stress less" and "stress tracking" and "heart health" and an ECG app #DigitalHealth 1/n

Oh ECG capability on another smartwatch. Oh wait, I just read the small print on the side of the box. Let me see if it's going to be available in the UK 2/n

Oh, according to Fitbit's website, the ECG app will become available in the UK and a bunch of other countries from next month, October 2020
fitbit.com/global/us/tech… 3/n

It's a lightweight watch, the main part of the watch feels slimmer than other smartwatches. Urrgh, yet another proprietary charging cable. The only button is capacitve, as I pressed upon it to switch it on, I dislike this type of button already 4/n

Went to the UK website and opened the 89 page manual just to read what it says. It didn't say oxygen saturation on the packaging and when I look through the health tracking section of the manual I can't see anywhere on how to measure SpO2 or ECGs 5/n

What does the manual say about sleep tracking? Oh, it estimates oxygen variation as you sleep to check for breathing disturbances, and changes in skin temperature (like Oura ring) - Note that seeing skin temperature changes thru the night requires a premium subscription! 6/n

So how about the EDA sensor & using it to measure how stressed I am? Interesting, it's either a 2 min measurement or a 60 minute measurement. A stress management score is also available, and if you want to see details of the score, once again, you need a premium subscription! 7/n

Let's compare the way the watch is described on the US Fitbit website vs the UK Fitbit website - SpO2 is mentioned on the US website, but not on the UK website. Hmm, I will have to confirm when I setup the watch. Note in the UK, demand appears to be very strong! 8/n

Regarding the Fitbit Premium subscription needed to unlock some of the data drilldowns, the packaging actually states 6 months trial of Premium is included. What if they didn't include that? It's sold at £79.99 for 1 year on their website fitbit.com/uk/shop/servic… 9/n

I will have to set it up and see how it performs in the real world. My Apple watch series 6 arrives on Monday, so next week I should be able to compare the Fitbit Sense vs the Apple watch vs Samsung Galaxy watch 3 vs Withings Scanwatch (looks like I'll be busy for a while) /end

So can't see any option in my #FitbitSense to measure SpO2 after all. I did try using the EDA sensor to see how stressed it thinks I am this evening. I opted for the "quick scan" of 2 minutes, what is it and what does it require me to do?

The instructions to use the EDA sensor are explained well and it was easy to do the 2 minute scan.

Hooray! My watch's EDA sensor didn't detect any responses. That means I'm not stressed, right? Anyway, will repeat these scans over the weekend to see if the results change. Would be useful to see the validation data for this sensor.

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