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The dapperest of ducks. I mock and I know things. QAnon analysis featured in Vice, Newsweek, Daily Mail, CBS News. Find me on Bluesky & Mastodon (@journa.host)

Sep 25, 2020, 9 tweets

This is amazingly insane and I cannot wait to get into it.


There's no way it's not

I think both laughing and crying are appropriate responses to how much they're eating this up

Someone put so much work into this

"we feel that the page could have been doctored to make people think this is linked to Trump"


wait, isn't "Godlike Productions" something that was connected to the Cannibal Club thing, too?

Posted in August. Just goes to show you never know how long it'll take for the right Anon to repost and catch fire.

okay so there's another passing similarity between this current nonsense and the Cannibal Club, both of which have a connection to Godlike Productions

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