Feminist Proper Gander Profile picture
The dapperest of ducks. I mock and I know things. QAnon analysis featured in Vice, Newsweek, Daily Mail, CBS News. Find me on Bluesky & Mastodon (@journa.host)
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Jul 28, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
I finally saw the clip they're all freaking out about, and my immediate reaction (probably from spending too much time in goth clubs in my youth) was "that's a tear in his hose."

Turns out it was a tear in his hose.
They could have checked literally any other clip he was in, but then @againstgrmrs wouldn't get to lie about it Image
Dec 2, 2022 91 tweets 19 min read
I'm watching the Ye/Fuentes/Jones interview now and lemmie tell ya, I hope Ben Shapiro is coming to grips with exactly what about 40% of the Republican Party secretly believes They're nice to your face as long as you're propagandizing for them, Ben, but they'll line you up with the rest of us the second you're not useful
Nov 30, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
It's important to remember conspiracy theorists are people. On that I agree.

However, in an effort to humanize the *believers*, this article glosses right over almost all the *things they believe*.

It even asks us "try to see America through their eyes." apnews.com/article/religi… Image The author went out and spoke with them face to face, and so these conspiracy theorists seem nice, and normal.

But going unexplored here is sitting down with them at their computers and seeing what these people are like online, where they gleefully talk about executions. Image
Nov 6, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
a new Q post this morning encourages Anons to vote and misspells withhold

the post is blowing up on Truth Social, though Anons on 8kun aren't as easily impressed anymore some of you expressed that the Anon saying "Q didn't talk in all stupid questions" makes it seem like the Anon never read any Q Drops

I think what the Anon is talking about has more to do with the cadence of how original Q wrote
Nov 4, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
so just on the off chance that the bird app collapses in on itself like a neutron star

i am dappergander on CounterSocial and i cannot figure out Mastodon because all the servers seem to be in Dutch i mean
throw me a bone
Jun 25, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
huh. so that happened. three Drops, each an hour apart, saying nothing of consequence, seemingly gauging interest & engagement
Apr 12, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Watch the Water, a QAnon catchphrase from Feb 2018, is trending today, a week after a new "documentary" from QAnon celebrity Stew Peters started using the phrase to promote the baseless idea that COVID-19 comes from snake venom and is being spread through water treatment plants. Image "Watch the Water" has been an extremely popular Q catchphrase to cite for years, because the Drop is totally context-free, meaning it could be about anything, so believers make it about anything. Image
Mar 25, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Personally, I find THIS more alarming and compelling than "Ginni was deep into QAnon" because (so far) I haven't seen anything that makes me think she was in all that deep.

Her language in the texts reads more like she reads Gateway Pundit or has a deep-into-Q friend.
1/ She cut and pastes. And she "hopes" too much.

If you read a lot of QAnon Telegram, there's a difference between an Anon who writes "I hope/pray this is true" and one who doesn't.

The problem with QAnon theories metastasizing into wider GOP circles is it's hard to tell.
Mar 25, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
"Accuse your opponent of that which you are guilty" is not the same as "projection."

"Lying" is not "gaslighting."

"Organized harassment" is not the same as "gangstalking."

I see how we got here, but misusing psychological terms to punch up your own argument is itself harmful. I mean I know the dictionary now defines "literally" as meaning "figuratively" but there need to be limits
Mar 23, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
Okay! Image There are a few symbolic themes here and they all relate to the core QAnon message. Follow along if interested. Image
Mar 21, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
If you've ever wondered why QAnon followers think a post written in 2018 was actually about an event that wouldn't happen until 2022, it's because they believe Q has access to Project Looking Glass, an alien time machine.
patreon.com/posts/project-… Looking Glass is predominantly an invention of four men, each of whom came into the UFOlogy/Conspiracy/Consciousness scene and built onto the story that had been told by the man preceding him.
Mar 19, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Now🔓for all, a particularly timely look at one of the reasons why Qvangelicals are rooting for Russian aggression: they think it will usher in the Apocalypse, and with it, Christ's return.
patreon.com/posts/qanon-an… This article is brought to you by my patrons on Patreon, who support me and my work. Patrons pick a new topic every month for me to explore. Special thanks to backers at the Ragged Flock level and above!
Mar 11, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
If you swim in the waters of conspiracyworld, there's one icon here that should jump right out at you, because our brains have all been rewired from soaking in their nonsense for this long I can't *not* see it and I don't even believe in it

Now imagine the effect everyday images would have on me if I genuinely thought this sort of secret symbology was real

Once you train your brain, it takes work to un-train it
Mar 9, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
While manipulation and propaganda absolutely play a part, for many Trump supporters the defense of Putin is linked to their self-identity as Patriots.

If Putin is bad, and Putin supports what 'my team' says and does, that implies *I'm* bad. And I'm not bad. So neither is Putin. In addition, because they are conspiracy-minded, their thinking is flexible enough to justify any contradictions.

Oh, Putin's bombing hospitals? That *seems* bad, but he can't *be* bad, so there must be a reason he's doing it. Those hospitals are probably trafficking children.
Feb 13, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
Today is the anniversary of the fiery disaster predicted by Robert Reidt, a follower of Margaret Rowan, the fringe Adventist.

On Feb 11 1926, Reidt predicted a ball of fire would drop from the heavens onto New York City on Feb 13, destroying everything within 25 miles. Image The New York Times made Reidt a minor celebrity the previous year, reporting on his preparations for Margaret Rowan's prophesied date of Feb 6, 1925.

Reidt told the press that Christ would appear on Long Island to transport he & his family to San Diego on a cloud. Image
Feb 9, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
again I have to wonder if it's deliberate

is she really this stupid or is it that she's now gotten everyone to share audio of her claim in order to dunk on 'gazpacho'? i mean this is a lot of free press, you know?

don't get me wrong most of these are objectively good tweets but still
Feb 3, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Looks like trouble coming from Lin Wood tonight, who has taken to his own channel after getting muted in a group chat with QAnon John where participants were yelling at each other. Lin, Joe Flynn and others got very heated, and then the channel muted everyone except a friend of QAnon John's, who proceeded to monologue for over an hour.
Feb 2, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
In reading this guy's story I see elements taken from Men In Black, Ender's Game, Robotech and Babylon 5.

Am I missing any? Image This is an EXTREMELY ambitious grift Image
Feb 1, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read


Based on my experience, I would say this comes from pro-NFT guys who saw the response to the "Nazi Ape" blog and decided to run the age-old scheme of saying easily disproved things while pretending to be a member of a community they actually hate. Image It's like an AITA thread saying "I am a committed vegan. AITA for asking my friend to publicly apologize for serving the cooked flesh of innocent animals during my toast at his wedding dinner?"

I mean, yes, you're the asshole, duh. But the real message is 'vegans are assholes.'
Feb 1, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
Even when Jim has half a point, his evidence is just so sloppy and prone to error.

The only way you can claim he tweeted
"I hope you've enjoyed the 4chan posts.
is if you read the tweets backwards.

Timestamps, dude.

He tweeted
I hope you've enjoyed the 4chan posts."

1/7 Image Does that make a difference?

Well, yes. It stops being a slam-dunk confession.

If a note said
"I'll be home soon.
you would assume it was *from* Dave.

If it said
I'll be home soon."
you would assume it was *to* Dave.

So which is it here?

Jan 30, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
okay going to go play a video game for a couple hours before bed well that was pretty aggravating but I am now the proud owner of a two-star wolf that I named Scarlett