Evadne W. Profile picture
Apothegm Generator

Sep 26, 2020, 8 tweets

19 years did make a difference. Download and installation completed in under 5 minutes.

What a joy — everything opens instantly — no lag whatsoever

This environment is about as fast as a Psion Organiser

We have really gone backwards. Can your current system do this as quickly? Probably not — raw performance did not matter because just the transitions would have slowed everything down — our modern systems are bloated.

The latest Word for Mac takes 8 seconds to launch — Excel for Mac takes roughly the same amount of time — you’d think that everything should launch immediately given the progress over these years!!

Now, some may say the performance boost was from running old software on old hardware so it was unfair.

But look, do you remember? Old software on old hardware. A better world was possible.

OLE you say? Was it invented by Microsoft? 😏

Will show this next time

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