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Sep 26, 2020, 7 tweets

Did the Soviets invade Afghanistan or were they invited?

Right: Dr. Najibullah believed the Soviets were invited by the Afghan leadership and he didn't not consider it interference let a lone invasion of Afghanistan.

Left: @HNajibullah considers it invasion.


This is even more interesting & important.

A journalist asked him that it was supposed that new under policy of national reconciliation would be a personality trusted by the people..pointing to Zahir Shah (who ruled Afghanistan for 40 yrs). Dr. Najibullah didn't like question.

@HNajibullah records in her book that her father would discuss the return of (ex) King Zahir Shah and saw in him a fatherly figure who could unite Afghanistan. Dr. Najibullah was in contact with Zahir Shah for the same.

This is quite opposite to what Dr. Najibullah said (above).

Heela Najibullah doesn't discuss the stance that Dr. Najibullah took in 1987 where he says that he was the elected president and that reflected will of the people. However, she cites some moderate Mujahideen that Pakistan opposed return of Zahir Shah.

It would be of interest for you all to know that bringing Zahir Shah back to Afghanistan was the American idea that Pakistan opposed. Here is an excerpt from the book Operation Bear Trap that sheds light on the topic.

However, it seems that Pakistan changed its stance at some point. In support of this argument, I share a previous thread with video clips when Pakistan arranged for visit of Zahir Shah to Peshawar, and also arranged public meetings and rallies for him.


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