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Chairman of @SenateBanking. Proud to serve Ohio.

Sep 26, 2020, 17 tweets

The Ohio Black Women's Virtual Health Symposium is UNDERWAY 🎉 #OBWH2020

First speakers: Renee Mahaffey Harris of @CCHGcincy, @SenSherrodBrown, Ohio Minority Leader @EmiliaSykesOH, and @lindagblount of @blkwomenshealth.

Over the next two weekends, we will discuss the four pillars of Black women's health: community health, physical health, mental health, and economic health.

Renee Mahaffey Harris, President and CEO of @CCHGcincy. #OBWH2020

Minority Leader @EmiliaSykesOH: I reject the notion that the coronavirus has "exposed" the health disparities that Black women face.

We've ALWAYS known they existed. #OBWH2020

"Racial justice & the pandemic are not separate issues – they’re intimately connected.

Black Ohioans have less access to health care, make up the communities hurt by redlining and Jim Crow laws, and disproportionately make up our essential workers." - @SenSherrodBrown #OBWH2020

"I'm tired of talking about what's wrong with Black women -

because there's NOTHING wrong with Black women."

@lindagblount, President & CEO of @blkwomenshealth. #OBWH2020

Special thank you to our rockstar moderator, @KylaWoodsTV, CEO & Founder of @CrowdorCamera. #OBWH2020

NEXT UP: Our Physical Health Panel.

"It's not race. It's racism, which leads to toxic stress for Black women and their babies." - Jazmin Long, @birthnbeautiful #OBWH2020

"Hospitals came together to address COVID-19. And that's what we must ALL do moving forward to tackle the health issues that disproportionately affect Black women:

Collaborate and work together."

- Melba Moore, Cincinnati Health Commissioner.

"Black women have been so disenfranchised and traditionally haven't received the best care in hospitals.

Women need to TRUST their providers, and we need to empower Black women to advocate for themselves." - @JazminALong, @birthnbeautiful #OBWH2020

"Black women need access to spaces where we can HEAL ourselves. That's why having your own land is so important."

- Sophia Buggs, @LadyBuggsFarm #OBWH2020

How to get the most out of your doctor visit:

"Don't dumb it down for your doctor - always be very clear, open, and honest.

Share the things that are pertinent to your health.

Bring a support person that can advocate for you."

- Fainisha Hampton, @CelebrateOne. #OBWH2020


"Over 50% of Black-owned businesses have closed during COVID-19, and Black-owned businesses have had the hardest time getting federal relief dollars."

@KearneyForCincy, Cincinnati City Council #OBWH2020

"There's no way to change the issues that affect Black women's health if we don't address the structural racism that exists in our service delivery system -

doctors and providers who are culturally irresponsible and unresponsive."

Doni Miller, CEO of @NHAToledo #OBWH2020

"Black women lose their babies at three times the rate of their white counterparts."

- Meredith Shockley of @CradleCincy on Black infant mortality. #OBWH2020

“We have to look at the ways we’ve allowed stress to STAY on Black women’s bodies through objectification and commodification.”

- Rev. Marcia Dinkins, Black Women Rising #OBWH2020

“The answer to gun violence is not more aggressive policing policies.

There are plenty of community organizations doing great work that simply need more funding.” - @KearneyForCincy #OBWH2020

THANK YOU to all of the amazing women who led today’s Ohio Black Women’s Health Symposium.

Tune in next weekend for even more conversations on the issues impacting Black women’s health outcomes. #OBWH2020


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