Blacky Chan 🏁🐍 Profile picture
tormentor of racists

Sep 26, 2020, 10 tweets

In These Streets, A Thread

Today's thread might be a little different. Gonna be some jumping around so don't worry if you get confused. I'll fill in the blanks later.

Police have a light presence a few blocks from Peninsula Park. They seem to be chatting it up.

Police walk through the park and are followed by activists.

As they ask for details about the event, someone tells them to check the website.

I count 3, maybe 4 chuds hiding in the crowd.

There's a lot of pizza, free shields, and signs are posted around the picnic area.

OK I'm in historic Vanport.

The young homie Z (@blackyouthmvmt) was on the mic speaking.

Says Black youth need a place to be. Says everywhere they congregate, people are afraid, and they can feel it.

Last shot before the rain. A reverend was on the mic giving a stirring speech.

Oh this shit is big goofy.

LOL chuds are really mad that the cops were approved when they had an event.

As if the cops have ever gassed the chuds.

UPDATE: I'm not in the caravan. I took a team over to the Delta Park chud rally.

Quite interesting.

Clouds went dark as the Miami Proud Boy guy sold victim stories to the press.

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