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Sep 26, 2020, 9 tweets

Elements Of A Great Landing Page That Will 10X Your Chances Of Getting People On A Sales Call

I reversed engineered so you didn't have to.

What do you see in this landing page?

I see MONEY.


During the following tweets, I'll be describing some of the elements this landing page uses to persuade people to schedule a Strategy Session.

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1. Call to action (STOP)

When you subscribe to Growth Tool's newsletter, you'll be sent to their Strategy Session landing page.

Redirections confuse people, so to reduce the confusion, they add a clarifying message that saying you'll get their freebie in a couple of minutes.

2. The Headline

The headline is the AD of your landing pages.

Use it to convey the purpose of the page!

You MUST be absolutely clear!

Lack of clarity is the #1 killer of closing deals.

3. The Video

While it's not absolutely necessary to add a video to your landing pages, videos are proven to increase the conversion rate.

The video used on this landing page uses the following formula:

4. Claim (and another CTA)

The claim doubles down on the purpose of the meeting and it presells the value of the service Growth Tools offers.

It also asks users to schedule the meeting once again.

(Having many CTAs in your pages is a good thing.)

5. A Scheduler

There's no more need to email back and forth to schedule meetings anymore.

Sign up to and slap the scheduler to the landing page.

Scheduling softwares usually offer simple ways to attach their schedulers to web pages.

6. Short testimonial

Social proof is a hell of a drug.

Add a photo of the client to make the testimonial more credible.

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