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I make many, many podcasts for Cool Zone Media. You can find things I've written at Bellingcat, New Lines Magazine, Rolling Stone, Business Insider, and more.

Sep 26, 2020, 23 tweets

I am here around Delta Park. The Proud Boy numbers are hard to ascertain, because they are hanging out in groups. Guess would be 300. Definitely not thousands, at least not yet.

Here is the largest group I can see here. They seem to be guarding a mound of sand. I hear chants of "fuck antifa". Not very loud.

Very nice antihate signs are posted at the entrance

This is most or all of them, I think. Numbers estimate still circa 300.

Better idea of the numbers here. Definitely not a huge crowd.

Militia dudes with armor and ARs run checkpoints on the outskirts of the field.

The Proud Boys have acquired a large flag.

At least one Proud Boy has acquired a Qanon Taser Shield.

The very kind people at are set up between the park and the houseless encampment. They are the ones who set up the antihate signs.

The American Wolf stretch limo has arrived. They are followed by a Kia filled with armed men.

American Wolf are a fascist street gang from Olympia. They raised tens of thousands of dollars for Kyle Rittenhouse.

David Willis and friends stalk, threaten press.

A livestreamer and two folks labeled as medics approach the gathering. They are confronted and declared antifa.

"I am violent" one man tells @johntheLefty and then threatens to crack his skull with a bat.

Several Proud Boys assault press. Others attempt to deescalate.

John and Proud Boys argue about the assault. One tells him he can't judge a whole group by the actions of one person. Interesting logic for a Proud Boy.

The crowd chants "Black Lives Matter".

I have moved to Peninsula Park, as the Proud Boys seem to be leaving.

The crowd here is very large, 3-5 times the size of the Proud Boy rally

Part of a speech, thanking protesters for showing up for more than 100 nights.

The Antifa Llama has arrived. A five year old girl immediately hugs it.

I am at Irving Park now. The BLM gathering is very scattered but probably 100-200. Not wildly different size than the PB gathering.

A very neat art installation here at Irving Park.

The art is affiliated with the basic income march.

The BLM car caravan. I would guess a couple hundred vehicles.

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