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A proud native Detroiter #Liberal #GrammyofTwo #Democrats #MomofFour #WelshTerrier #twinmom #RESIST #Indivisible #DemsWork4USA @DemsWork4USA

Sep 27, 2020, 10 tweets

This is the #DemPartyPlatform for 2020.This section is called: Guaranteeing a Secure &Dignified Retirement
Only one party has a specific plan for ensuring seniors will not retire to poverty & uncertainty..the other can’t wait to cut &slash to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy 1/10

#Democrats will protect Americans’ retirement security, especially in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, and take action to protect public and private pensions to ensure workers keep the benefits they have earned, including through multiemployer plans. 2/10 #DemPartyPlatform

#Democrats oppose changes to the multiemployer pension system that would endanger workers’ and retirees’ pensions, including composite pension plans. 3/10 #DemPartyPlatform #RetireWithDignity

#Democrats support amending federal bankruptcy laws to protect workers’ earned pensions from being taken away by employers going through #bankruptcy. 4/10 #DemPartyPlatform #RetireWithDignity

#Democrats will also make it easier to save for retirement beyond Social Security. 5/10 #DemPartyPlatform #RetireWithDignity

#Democrats will support approaches to retirement saving that enable workers &retirees to prepare for &prosper in retirement,incl reforms that will allow states &municipalities to create public individual &pooled retirement account options that are easy for workers to access 6/10

#Democrats will advocate federal legislation to make it easy for all workers to save, not just those in states or municipalities that have established their own programs. 7/10 #DemPartyPlatform #RetireWithDignity

#Democrats believe that when workers are saving for retirement, the financial advisors they consult should be legally obligated to put their client's best interests first. 8/10 #DemPartyPlatform #FiduciaryResponsibility

#Democrats will take immediate action to reverse the Trump Administration's regulations allowing financial advisors to prioritize their self-interest over their clients' financial wellbeing. 9/10 #DemPartyPlatform

#Democrats will equalize the network of retirement savings tax breaks so that working people can build their nest eggs faster, while also providing more equitable access to these accounts through automatic enrollment &relaxed contribution restrictions for unpaid caregivers 10/10

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