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Tagaungkat ng past sa bawat pa-🍵. Tweets are mine, wag assuming. #TheChroniclesOfAssholes

Sep 27, 2020, 18 tweets

“Father, do you want your head blown off?”, shooting the priest pointblank in the head; he further desecrated the dead body by kicking it in the head, shooting it again in the face, & stamping his feet on the corpse. #RememberingFrFavali #NeverForget

Adora Faye was arrested by the military in 1976. She was stripped, beaten, & repeatedly raped during tactical interrogations. She got pregnant after the repeated sexual assaults & was forced to induce an abortion. #RememberingAdoraFaye #NeverForget

Out of an out-pour of mixed emotions – mostly anger, she hurled: “Don’t you have daughters, girlfriends sisters, or mothers? Anyone you love. What if this was done to them, how would you feel?” #RememberHildaNarciso #NeverForget @BKwago @TrillanesSonny

Cries of protest were heard from her place by the neighbors until 1:30 to 2:00 a.m. A loud anguished scream was heard and that was the time she was being undressed by a Lt. Castillo. #RememberingLiliosaHilao @ToniSpeakEasy @raissawriter @PunchTheLies

With the enactment of RA No. 594 in 1969 declaring in part: “No person would be allowed to reside with¬in the Zone,” the inhabitants opposed the relocation. Protests & demonstrations were organized. #RememberDelfinLazarte

#MarcosNotAHero decreed the “restructuring” of all unions on an industry-specific basis, & then affiliated these to a single national trade-union confederation. The martial-law regime prohibited strikes in so-called vital industries. #RememberAlfredoManzo

On Sept. 20, 1982, he was captured during a military raid in Davao City, shot while trying to escape, taken alive, brought to the military camp & interrogated. Refusing to “cooperate”, he was summarily executed the following day. #RememberingEdjopJopson

Activist Ron de Vera of @amnesty, found it hard to fit into the “normal” world. He’d often lie about the identities & whereabouts of his parents. #RememberTheChildren

#NeverForget #MarcosNotAHero’s #MLVictims
Mga Awit ng Pagkamulat: 'At Nakalimutan ang Diyos' by Bobby Balingit @interaksyon

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