Richard Baldwin Profile picture
Prof of Int’l Econ @IMD_Bschool; Founder & Editor-in-Chief VoxEU; NonRes Fellow PIIE. Books: The Globotics Upheaval 2019, The Great Upheaval 2016. MIT Econ PhD

Sep 28, 2020, 9 tweets

In person at the Graduate Institute for Opening Plenary of the GENEVA TRADE WEEK!!! #GTW2020

Swiss WTO Ambassador Chambovey speaking introductory words


Hamid Mamdouh @ #gtw2020

He has not defected a fundamental shift in people’s goals for the trade system, but rather a shift in how to achieve that.

Alan Wolff, WTO DDG @wto on e-stage for #gtw2020

He thinks there has been a shift but largely on generational lines - younger voters supporting.

Dennis Redonnet @ #gtw2020 @DmitryOpines

He sees a weakening of the rules-based approach and weaponization of trade

@OECDtrade Marion Jansen

She does not see a shift in what ppl expect of the trade system, but we have to rethink trade system and fast!

Locknie Hsu @SMU Singapore

She detects anxiety about trade and future of the system #gtw2020

And that’s a wrap!

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