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Fellow @amrenewctr "His passion for understanding left-wing ideology was a constant inspiration to keep digging, keep thinking, and keep pushing" -Chris Rufo

Sep 28, 2020, 22 tweets

The Woke are attacking: **ADOPTION**

Check the screenshots.

Well educated people: professors, consultants, and authors, are attacking the woman Trump nominated to the Supreme Court for adopting orphans from Haiti.

In woke-world this is normal and I'll explain why

A thread:

This is Amy Coney Barret with her family.

Keep this image in mind as we examine the horrible things the woke have said. We need to remember both who is being attacked, and who's hurting because of it. This isn't just an academic exercise, people are hurting.

Ok, Let's begin:

We can't understand how this attack works, or what motivates it until we understand the theory motivating the attack: Critical Race Theory (CRT).

CRT is one of the most poisonous, noxious, toxic theories to ever come out of academia, and it's what's driving this attack.

CRT says racism is in everything that goes on. EVERYTHING. Critical Race Theorist Robin Diangelo goes so far as to say the question isn't "did racism take place in that situation?" The question is "how did racism take place in that situation?" Because racism is in EVERYTHING.

CRT teaches that Racism is permanent. Period.
No matter what you do there will always be some racism somewhere. No matter how much you read, or how hard you work, or how educated you become, you're never done. You must do "the work" of CRT every day until you die.

CRT says ALL white people benefit from racism and perpetuate it, even without realizing it. According to CRT, *ALL* white people are complicit in racism and white supremacy. Here, CRT theorist Robin DiAngelo says ALL white people, without exception, have a racist worldview:

The last tenant of CRT we'll look at today is "Interest Convergence Theory" which says white people only help black people out of self-interest, not because it's right, or they care. CRT says whites only do the right thing when it's popular or they get something out of it:

As you can see, CRT has an attitude of scornful and jaded negativity, and a distrust of the integrity and motives of others with respect to race.

In other words CRT is incredibly CYNICAL about other people's motives, and utterly pessimistic about anything ever getting better.

Only the most noxious form of bitter, scornful, pessimistic, and jaded cynicism can explain how people can possibly engage in mudslinging about the love and joy of this family:

(Again, please keep them in mind here)

Now, one more point before we're done:

Wokeness blends Critical Theory (and it's variations like CRT) with postmodernism. So the tenets of CRT are picked up and used by wokists with a postmodern worldview, and postmodernism is every bit as cynical and pessimistic as CRT.

Postmodernism says power is at the root of all social interactions in society, and every social interaction that occurs is purely about who gets power, who keeps power, and who gets to wield power. That's why wokists obsess over power.

So, once you see the cynicism and pessimism built in to both CRT and Postmodernism, you begin to see how they can view everything, even adopting poor orphans, as a power play, misdirection, or dishonest move motivated by the goal of scoring political points:

Postmodernism also uses deconstruction to blur the lines between concepts so they can apply them however they want. This lets the claim two things which are very different are really the same thing.

(A thorough explanation of deconstruction is here)

Mix postmodern line blurring with CRT and the result is a woke woman claiming adopting a baby orphan after the earthquake in Haiti is similar to Nazi's stealing polish children from their parents. Of course, when she gets called out for this she denies guilt and plays victim:

Let's go through the layers of cynicism and pessimism in this Ibram Kendi tweet:
1. "Adoption" is really "stealing children"
2. Compassion is fake, it's really just a savior complex
3. He insinuates the parents think the children are inferior (savage) and used as "props"


4. Kendi implies the parents have been cut out (instead of missing, or killed in the earthquake)
5. Kendi implies the parents are in "denial."

That was the takeaway Kendi got from looking at this family:

Putting the images next to each other is actually kind of jarring:

Does this all make sense?

The attacks on the adoption here are grown in the soil of Critical Race Theory and Postmodernism. If you think everyone is acting purely out of self interest and has ulterior motives, eventually you'll apply that logic to everything: even adoption.

And of course, because Kendi thinks everyone else is just clout chasing, acting for selfish reasons, and has hidden motives; anyone who thinks he's wrong is obviously a bot doing propaganda:

Do you see it now?

Unless you think exactly as Kendi thinks, do exactly what he would do, and follow all of his ideas...you must be acting in bad faith and you must have hidden motives.

Honestly, imagine looking at this family and thinking "I see right through you people"

The bitter, scornful, cynical, pessimistic thinking of the woke is dressed up as wisdom and poisons everything; even to the point where the woke attack adoptive mothers, using public accounts, where Amy Coney Barret's adoptive teenage children can find and read it.

Wokeness poisons everything, and hollows people out until they are cynical, bitter, jaded, scornful, pessimistic shells of their once hopeful selves.

That's what wokeness does. Reject it.


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