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“Una isla es un drama geográfico” - Dulce María Loynaz

Sep 30, 2020, 9 tweets

Trump failed response to COVID-19 has struck at the heart of the Puerto Rican community. Over 3.1 million Puerto Ricans live in the states with the most coronavirus deaths. #Debate2020 #TodosConBiden #UnidosContraTrump #PuertoRico @Boricuas4Biden

38% of Puerto Ricans in the U.S. have fallen ill from COVID-19 or have a family member or close friend in the U.S. who has fallen ill from the virus. #Debate2020 #TodosConBiden #UnidosContraTrump #PuertoRico @Boricuas4Biden

27% of Puerto Ricans report that family members or friends on the island have gotten sick from COVID-19. #Debate2020 #TodosConBiden #UnidosContraTrump #PuertoRico @Boricuas4Biden

One-third of Puerto Rican households on the mainland have lost their job at some point during the pandemic, and more than 4 in 10 have had their pay cut or work hours reduced. #Debate2020 #TodosConBiden #UnidosContraTrump #PuertoRico @Boricuas4Biden

Approximately one-third of Puerto Ricans have had difficulty paying their rent or mortgage during the pandemic, while more than 4 in 10 have faced difficulty getting food or medicine. #Debate2020 #TodosConBiden #UnidosContraTrump #PuertoRico @Boricuas4Biden

In Puerto Rico, at least 300,000 people have filed COVID-19 unemployment claims and many others are ineligible for aid because they are part of the island’s large informal economy. #Debate2020 #TodosConBiden #UnidosContraTrump #PuertoRico @Boricuas4Biden nytimes.com/2020/07/08/us/…

The last 4 years has shown that Trump is hazardous to Puerto Ricans' health. #Debate2020 #TodosConBiden #UnidosContraTrump #PuertoRico @Boricuas4Biden

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