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Biased. Journalist. Telegram: Founder: Grabien, The Pub, NewsLists & BioSpa

Sep 30, 2020, 5 tweets

Biden on Dems’ leftward lurch: “The party is me”

"I am the Democratic Party right now. The platform of the Democratic Party is what I, in fact approve of, what I approved of."

Biden: "The fact of the matter is, I beat Bernie Sanders”
Trump: “Not by much."

Trump to Biden: "Let me just tell you, Joe, I have done more in 47 months, I have done more than you have done in 47 years, Joe."

Biden on his son Hunter accepting $3.5 million from Russia, other foreign entities: “Totally discredited … My son did nothing wrong"

Biden: "Antifa is an idea, not an organization"

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