Ananya Bhardwaj Profile picture
Senior Assistant Editor, ThePrint @ThePrintIndia / Past: Hindustan Times @httweets. The Indian Express @IndianExpress

Sep 30, 2020, 5 tweets

Accused Vinay Katiyar reaches Lucknow court for verdict in Babri Masjid demolition case with heavy security, escort vehicles. @ThePrintIndia #BabriMasjid

Former Shiv Sena leader Pawan Pandey (now BJP), accused in the #BabriMasjid case reaches court, waves at the media says "ready for the verdict"
After the demolition Pandey had come before the media along with the stone plaque of Mir Baqui from the Babri mosque. @ThePrintIndia

Sadhvi Raithambra, one of the key accused in the #BabriDemolitionCase reaches court. Waves at the media. She is accused of criminal conspiracy in the case. @ThePrintIndia

BJP MP Sakshi Maharaj, another key accused in the #BabriDemolitionCase
reaches court. He had earlier told the court that he did nothing wrong by being a part of the movement that led to the demolition of the Babri mosque. @ThePrintIndia

Hearing to pronounce verdict in the Babri Masjid demolition case to start soon.
Judgement to run into over 2000 pages.
Meanwhile, no one in the mood for social distancing & masks are a mere accessory.
General sentiment: "Ab corona hoga toh hoga. kya karen" @ThePrintIndia

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