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Sep 30, 2020, 7 tweets

#HathrasGangrape: Police forcibly cremate victim's body at 2:30 am, family allege to have been kept out of the cremation & weren't allowed to bring the body home.

"We were locked in, weren't allowed for cremation rites," says #Hathras victim's father.

#JustIn: Members of Valmiki Samaj pelted stones at the police and broke the police car in protest, demanding "justice" for the #Hathras gang rape victim.

“The cremation took place with the cooperation and help from the family," Joint Magistrate says on the cremation of #Hathras victim.

#Hathras | BJP Ministers received major flak on reaching victim's house. Kin raise slogans of "go back", demanded culprits be hanged & strict investigation against "negligent police officials."

#HathrasGangrape| Village women & victim's relatives blocked the ambulance after body arrived for Delhi. Family says Police did not allow them to see their daughter for the last time.

#Hathras| Victim's sister-in-law chased District Magistrate's vehicle on Wednesday morning, after the officials left victim's house sensing agitation among family members. @BDUTT

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