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Sep 30, 2020, 8 tweets

“Will you shut up, man?"

Donald Trump and Joe Biden hurl insults and repeatedly interrupt each other in their first debate #Debates2020

Joe Biden calls Trump a “clown” and the “worst president” ever.

Donald Trump refuses to condemn White supremacists like Proud Boys #Debates2020

Moderator Chris Wallace tries mostly in vain to control the conversation. Candidates spar over topics including the coronavirus, the economy and their families — and it gets ugly #Debates2020

Joe Biden slams Trump’s handling of the pandemic, calls him a “racist” for executive orders ending racial sensitivity training in government and challenges him to accept the results of the November election #Debates2020

Trump seizes on a Biden remark that his management of the crisis would be “smart.”

“Don’t ever use the word ‘smart’ with me,” Trump says, reminding Biden that he once said he went to Delaware State when he went to the University of Delaware #Debates2020

A question about Trump’s economic record degenerates into arguing over China and the two candidates’ families #Debates2020

In a statement afterward, the Trump campaign suggests that disorder had been the strategy #Debates2020

Political commentators are now speculating whether subsequent debates might be canceled.

Biden’s deputy campaign manager, Kate Bedingfield, tells reporters afterward: “We are going to the debates” #Debates2020

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