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Sep 30, 2020, 11 tweets

Live today: Watch the final event of our free WIRED25 celebration!

Starting at 12 pm ET, we're hosting virtual discussions with scientists, hackers, journalists, and policy pros protecting us in the pandemic. Here are some of today’s speakers 1/ wired.trib.al/mRQN73t

Dr. Anthony Fauci in conversation with @StevenLevy

Register here to watch 2/ wired.trib.al/mRQN73t

Taiwan’s digital minister Audrey Tang (@audreyt) in conversation with @jetjocko 3/ wired.trib.al/mRQN73t

VotingWorks executive director Ben Adida (@benadida) in conversation with @lilyhnewman 4/ wired.trib.al/mRQN73t

Journalist Patrice Peck (@SpeakPatrice) in conversation with @halophoenix 5/ wired.trib.al/mRQN73t

MIT assistant professor Dr. Lisa Piccirillo in conversation with @rjallain 6/ wired.trib.al/mRQN73t

Google Project Zero security researcher Maddie Stone (@maddiestone) in conversation with @lilyhnewman 7/ wired.trib.al/mRQN73t

Okta VP of cybersecurity Marc Rogers (@marcwrogers), Microsoft security researcher Nate Warfield (@n0x08), and CTI league founder and executive Ohad Zaidenberg (@OhadMZ) in conversation with @a_greenberg 8/ wired.trib.al/mRQN73t

The Coronavirus Tracker founder Avi Schiffmann (@AviSchiffmann) in conversation with @MeganMolteni 9/ wired.trib.al/mRQN73t

University of San Francisco professor and director of its Geospatial Analysis Lab David Saah (@dsaah) and University of California, Merced professor Dr. A. LeRoy Westerling (@LeroyWesterling) in conversation with @Danielduane 10/ wired.trib.al/mRQN73t

Reminder: The event is free! You can see the full schedule and register to watch here: 11/ wired.trib.al/mRQN73t

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