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Obamacare's Digital Menace, Samizdat, Sen. Angus King’s hit list (Twitterfiles 16)

Sep 30, 2020, 10 tweets

Trump brought up Biden Advisor Ron Klain last night. Klain said the Obama response to H1N1 was "luck." Here's exactly what he said:

Klain is now a Biden advisor regarding COVID-19. Here's what he's said with regard to COVID. It can all be found on my Ultimate COVID-19 Timeline. Search for KLAIN.…

Regarding the Trump shutdown of China travel to the US, Klain said it was "probably too late."

Fauci testified that this shutdown saved American lives.

Regarding China's transparency, he complimented them on releasing the virus sequence.

Although he said previously it was "probably too late" to shut down China travel, he soon after said it was "premature."

Again, Fauci said this saved American lives.

The next day, he again said it was premature for a travel ban because of economic considerations such as "trade" & "tourism." He also noted the Federal responsibility was to help the States bc the "burden was on them." (Trump has been roasted for both of these issues.)

Days later (2/5) he testified to Congress. He noted that we could not trust WHO & that we've been trying for over a month to get our scientists into China but China would not allow it. "Why they would not allow it is hard to justify." (What did Biden say last night?!)

A week later, Klain said COVID would not be a "serious pandemic."

A couple days later, Klain complimented Bill DiBlasio for his puffing out his chest at the idea of COVID becoming a "fear epidemic." "Kudos ... for standing against that (fear)."

Now compare all these comments from Team Biden's Ron Klain to those of Trump and how Trump has been roasted in the media for most of the year and by Biden as recently as last night.


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