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The great thieves lead away the little thief. Book: https://t.co/9rLPnjY7Ge coming soon.

Oct 1, 2020, 8 tweets

This is from the Weissmann book. The Papadopoulos information "essentially dropped into our laps."

How convenient.

"[Papadopoulos'] primary credentials appeared to be that he lived overseas."


Weissmann may be a first-class asshole but the prose is very good. So much better than Strzok's.

Weissmann taking some liberties here. The FBI didn't interview Papa after they got the tip. They sent in Halper. Also, Downer didn't "understand" because he waited for 12 weeks before he came forward.

Note the use of the word "bragged", same word some of us have been using.

Called it.

Absolutely astounding admission from Weissmann. They knew exactly that if Papa had found out about emails he'd have told the campaign (dog that didn't bark).

Yet these crooks sold everyone their fraudulent story that Papa found out about the emails from Mifsud and told Downer.

Wow. Talk about taking liberties. Check out how Weissmann describes @AlexanderDowner's tip.

Downer said nothing of the sort. Emails were never mentioned, Mifsud was never mentioned, nor was being approached by "a Russian".

Weissmann sleight of hand here. The DNC emails weren't released at around the same time as the Downer tip. They were released before the tip. In fact, they were what prompted Downer to come forward in the first place.

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