Ministry of Health Profile picture
This is the official twitter account of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India

Oct 1, 2020, 5 tweets


India sustains trend of consistent low level of Active Cases.

For the 10th successive day, Active Cases below 10 lakh mark.…


India’s total recoveries stands at 52,73,201 today.

The rise in total recovered cases has been steep. The last 10 lakh recoveries were added in just 12 days.

77% of the total recovered cases are recorded in 10 States/UTs.


The active cases today are 9,40,705. India reported 9.4 lakh active cases earlier on 11th September, 2020.

76% of the active cases are in 10 States/UTs.

The active cases contribute only 14.90% of the positive caseload of the country.


A total of 86,821 new confirmed cases have been reported in the last 24 hours.

76% of the new cases are concentrated in ten States/UT.


1,181 deaths have been registered in the past 24 hours.

82% of these are from 10 States and UTs.

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