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#1 fossil fuels fan account #1 quantitative easing hater account 🏎🏎🏎

Oct 1, 2020, 5 tweets

cabals of old, wealthy families don’t secretly control the 🌎 toppling governments , controlling public opinion , and making oil and arms deals while funneling billions to their depraved sex cults

Me: oh yeah ? You are like a tiny baby ,, watch this 😎

taking a break from programming sex slaves to do a regime change and plunge another non-compliant country into 50 years of civil war 😎 just another day in the life of a rogue heiress, definitely not part of any sinister plot. Brunch with Bombardier™️ at 11 !

You have been lied to about every aspect of what occurred in Libya and Benghazi and the motivations behind NATO actions. Bronfman’s husband is tied to McCain, Kerry et al and they had a specific vision for Libya and what it could be used for. That is why you saw them out 🤝 🤝 🤝

Before foray into the Libyan civil war Sara Bronfman was a “coach” with NXIVM and funneled hundreds of millions of $ to the cult. She dated the Dalai Lama’s attaché and they became involved with NXIVM and Raniere. Then met her husband who had been living in exile in Switzerland.

The “civilian pilot” serving as “diplomatic envoy” for the “rebels” Sara met in 2011 was actually a very wealthy Zurich-based Libyan expat who owned several companies looking to develop Libya’s oil fields. And had established the Independent Libya Foundation in 2010 w/ Adam Hock.

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