Detty Profile picture
Jul 24, 2024 5 tweets 3 min read
Japan is always doing cool stuff underground
Jun 27, 2024 5 tweets 4 min read
NATO and Project Eurovision ✨

“entertainment brought right into the home…. I do not consider this to be the primary function of television. As we see it, television gives mankind at long last, the possibility, through the visual image, of conquering time and distance.”
“Television has enabled sight to triumph over time and space, and this is the aspect which struck us most forcibly & led us to believe that it was our duty to break througn one narrow boundaries which confined our programmes to spectators clustered around our respective capitals”
Jun 25, 2024 4 tweets 4 min read
Everything you need to know about what will happen, why, and for whose benefit by checking the history of the anon bots who definitely just have a special interest in replying to key words and aren’t obviously running psy-ops on behalf of nation-states 😇

What’s fascinating is- the tip off was this ⬇️ they always go for denigration as I’ve learned loser/shut-in/etc. So I thought hmm and I go to check, I read their entire reply history and you can easily see the pattern of key words they are replying to and their talking points.
Jun 5, 2024 9 tweets 7 min read
Just realized Ghislaine is in the same outfit which means Bill Clinton was present for the infamous throne photo and it must have all been the same trip, found news clips from 2002 discussing how Spacey and Clinton helped Blair sell the Iraq War to the Labour Party conference

“It was helpful to Tony Blair - as it was meant to be - in that it was a defence of the UN as the best mechanism for dismantling Saddam's weaponry, but also a defence of the ultimate right to take military action against him.”…

May 6, 2024 4 tweets 3 min read
“These plants also sequester carbon in the form of glomalin, a protein secreted around the fungal threads connected to the plants’ roots, thought to store a third of the world’s soil carbon… we are removing the most efficient carbon sequestration units on the planet –”
“It was the largest solar plant in the world at the time of completion, in 2015, covering an area of almost 4,000 acres, and it opened the floodgates... Since then, 15 projects have been completed or are under construction, with momentous mythological names like Athos and Oberon”
Apr 9, 2024 4 tweets 3 min read
Remember “net zero” is an accounting trick where all the world’s largest polluters get governments & pension funds to pay them to “store carbon underground indefinitely” or plant trees in forests which have already burned down in some cases. While private jets remain write-offs They’ve done an incredible propaganda job by making the public faces sympathetic characters who you are heartless if you disagree with while the greediest people in the world hide behind their “non-profit” matrix which allows for tax exempt status as long as just FIVE PERCENT
Feb 4, 2024 4 tweets 3 min read
Bibi in 2001: “America is something that you can easily maneuver and move in the right direction. And even if they say something, so then they say something- so what?… Look I wasn’t afraid to maneuver (the Clinton administration) I wasn’t afraid to confront Clinton…” “Secretary of State Warren Christopher gave the two sides two different letters spelling out the U.S. commitments. The Clinton administration revealed the content of the two letters in only general terms… Eager to see the exact wording of the letter given to the Palestinians…”
Jan 11, 2024 14 tweets 8 min read
Robert Maxwell and the invention of The Science™️ How a post-war arms race birthed peer-review, academic prestige, and the career-making or breaking art of becoming published- all under the guidance of intelligence agencies and governments searching for total narrative control 🪡
“Maxwell insisted on grand titles– “International Journal of” was a favourite prefix. Peter Ashby, a former vice president at Pergamon, described this to me as a “PR trick”, but it also reflected a deep understanding of how science, and society’s attitude to science, had changed”
Dec 19, 2023 6 tweets 5 min read
Never forget there is a literal illuminati of cheese and that is why everything is triple stuffed crust and 5,000 calories now 😎


Nov 21, 2023 12 tweets 6 min read
”The fight of David Brock’s life ended on a billionaire’s rooftop overlooking Manhattan’s Upper East Side. It was election night around 9:30 p.m., and he was alone after hopping across the city for return-watching parties with wealthy donors, including investor George Soros.”
“Brock has spent all of his adult life fighting over the Clintons, first as a conservative muckraker who discovered the sexual harassment claims of Paula Jones, sparking the fuse for Bill Clinton’s impeachment, and then as the Clintons’ chief attack dog”
Nov 15, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
Remember the ~underground caves, caverns and structures~ phase I went through during the multi-year government psy-op well this has at least given me the ability to immediately identify every Cold War bunker and this is in SWEDEN 😎😎 While you’re here: my top caves caverns and structures

1. Naples 🇮🇹

Sep 13, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
I will not be covering the “aliens” 😌 The only occult objects from Mexico I’m interested in are the ones brought back by the conquistadors and given to the advisors of Elizabeth I who then devised the concept of the British empire after the “angels” in the objects spoke to them Image @JamesMLaurie He left for Europe and court for a while with Kelley-that’s true, but returned & was appointed warden of Manchester college in 1596 by Elizabeth. It was with James I that he really faded but that was 1603. The Roanoake expeditions were 1584+ Kelley & Dee used the mirror for them.
Sep 5, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
Midnight , time to post dark science 😎

“There’s roughly 10 million words that Newton left. Around half of the writing is religious, and there are about 1 million words on alchemical material…And then roughly 3 million related to science and math.”
“There’s also Grace Babson, who created the largest collection of Newton objects and papers in America. She was married to a man who got rich predicting the crash of 1929. And Roger Babson [her husband] based his market research on Newtonian principles,”
Sep 1, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
“What was unusual was that Rodriguez did not notify anyone at the Defense Department or the CIA but rather attempted to get word about the missing plane to Donald Gregg, the national-security adviser for Vice President George Bush.”…

“The following year, at age nineteen, Rodriguez led a five-man team (that included Eugenio Martinez, later a Watergate burglar) into Cuba in advance of the Bay of Pigs invasion…Rodriguez says he was the last American to talk to Che before the Bolivians executed him”
Aug 29, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
We are a scrappy group of youths! say the trust funds kids and Hollywood producers from behind their masques of red death

“A marquee group of philanthropists with business and political ties have started the CEF” because they realized it’s far less risky and far cheaper to harass the plebs and intimidate the politicians using shock troops with all criticism sent to a black hole of managed discourse.
Aug 1, 2023 11 tweets 7 min read
“As an employee who 'never asks for a raise or takes a vacation', Mika boasts that she is a 'game-changer for profit-making'” Image When you remember Jeffrey Epstein funded Sophia and nascent artificial intelligence 😌 [COMMUNITY NOTE: Hanson Robotics claims none of the funds when to Sophia project & others have stated that Epstein was a “fabulist”] Mika is Sophia’s “more advanced sister” from Hanson Robotics

Jun 17, 2023 22 tweets 15 min read
How to engineer reality🧵: “Hashtags are carefully tested before attacks happen, Instagram images selected, and “impromptu” street posters are printed. In operations that contingency planners term “controlled spontaneity”, politicians’ statements, vigils and inter-faith events…”

“Within hours of an incident, campaigns are swiftly organised, with I “heart” posters designed & distributed according to the location of the attack. Plans are also drawn up for people to hand out 🌹 at the scene of the crime, in apparently unprompted gestures of love & support” Image
Jun 17, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Well this is going to be soggy 😂 Image been sent to the car for a second time with the swag 😂😂 Image
Jun 16, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
hello canada Twitter , I see you in the background 🥰👋 Image F1 providing an apocalyptic Montreal movie 😌🏎 Image
Jun 15, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
There is no low the US govt won’t stoop to… [ty to @ourjerbs for sharing] ImageImage We had 20 years and trillions of dollars to develop rural agriculture architecture and a sustainable cash crop economy- instead highways to nowhere which washed away within weeks were built, as we guarded the poppy fields, droned wedding parties and let defense contractors feast. ImageImage
May 30, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
Cleveland ✨ ImageImage ImageImage