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Oct 2, 2020, 7 tweets

Update: Conan. Every shonen protagonist even remotely Goku-like (including Goku) is based off of Conan from Future Boy Conan. Hayao Miyazaki set the standard in 1978!

Future Boy Conan is such a wonderful show. It's a shame it's never been given a proper English language release! A lot of Anglophones have no idea how influential it was. In Japan it's seen as one of the greatest works of animation OF ALL TIME.

Conan's imprint on the Shonen genre goes way beyond his good nature + grotesque strength. The most enduring thing about him is his indomitable will, and how he wields it without being an asshole. He's absolutely trustworthy. You have to be truly evil to stand against him.

Btw Luffy is also 1000% based off of Conan (don't spoil these scenes for anyone please)
#未来少年コナン #ONEPIECE

OK. I know this sounds crazy, but just hear me out for a sec ...

Circling back. Conan himself is descended from archetypical heroes like Son Wukong, a wild child of nature who tramples on societal norms and lives freely by virtue of his own indomitable strength (Conan is as monkey-like as Goku!)
#未来少年コナン #孫悟空

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