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Jun 13th 2023
#ONEPIECE ; #zosan modern!AU

— Bertaut —

“Maaf... karena aku telah berbohong dan membuatmu menjalin ikatan denganku. Tolong, tahan sebentar saja.”

© althalaz Image
Please read this carefully. ImageImageImageImage
Read 49 tweets
Jun 12th 2023
One Piece Theory:

The Mother Flame.

Or is it Frame? Why not both.

In this thread, I’ll theorize on what it is and how it’s connected to the Ancient Weapon Uranus.

#onepiece #onepiecetheory ImageImageImage
This is going to be a pretty complex theory, because we’re connecting a few things together so do bear with me.

Of course, there’ll be some reaches and assumptions, but that’s what theories are all about, isn't it? Let’s go. Image
Also, I know there’s conversation about what is the “correct” translation. Sandman and Arthur have said their piece.

I’ll assume both Frame and Flame can be correct - I don’t think the official translator, who I’m hoping speaks to Oda’s editors, can get this wrong. ImageImage
Read 23 tweets
Jun 6th 2023
— Bertaut: A Prompt —

#ONEPIECE ; #zosan modern!AU.
Just a regular Enigma-Alpha, but make it angst. ImageImageImageImage
Kalau niat & ada waktu, aku lanjut. KALAU, ya.
Weh, kok rame.
Read 6 tweets
Jun 5th 2023
#今週のワンピ #ONEPIECE  #ONEPIECE1085

- Dragon céleste
- Les Empereur Dragon
- les vrais pouvoir d'Imu

Hésitez pas à follow, à ❤️
Like et à RT c'est important et ça fait toujours plaisir ! Image
Aprés avoir regarder attentivement le chap, j'ai remarqué qu'IMU se transformait en quelque choses qui s'apparenterait à un dragon,
pourrant faire penser au dragon de PH et justifiant le nom "*dragon* Célestes".

J'ai donc creuser dans ce sens et j'ai trouver ça:

Les Tianlong! ImageImageImageImage
Tianlong veut dire "Dragon Céleste" ils sont ceux qui tirent les chars des dieux et protège leurs palais.
Pouvant faire référence au Gorosei, gardant Marie geoise et protégeant Imu!

On pourait donc penser que les formes qu'on voit dans le chap 1085 serait en réalité des Dragon! ImageImageImage
Read 19 tweets
May 28th 2023
One Piece Theory:

Two words - GOD VALLEY.

In this thread, we’ll uncover some of the mysteries surrounding this location. Shanks, Buggy, Xebec. It's all connected.

Let’s go.

#onepiece #onepiecetheory Image
As with most of my theories, this one’s going to be a little out there, and a little wild but stay with me - the conclusion is pretty fun.

For this theory, I’ll answer six questions.

But first, let’s talk about Gods and Devils. ImageImage
In One Piece, the concept of turning things upside down is really important. This is what Roger famously said when he met Rayleigh.

Turning things upside down applies to many things - words, concepts, ideas.

What do you get when turn the concept of ‘God’ upside down? The Devil. ImageImage
Read 27 tweets
May 28th 2023

Soul King Brook: Music Is The Expression of Soul

Featuring art by @_eiKei Image
In this thread, I will aim to explore the significance of Brook's character, Bink's Sake, and of music in the One Piece world and in the real world.

Let's get in to it. Image
As a basis for how significant Brook's character and his role as musician are, it is important to remember that having a musician on his crew was one of Luffy's highest priorities since the beginning.

This also somewhat tells us the thematic significance of music in One Piece Image
Read 27 tweets
May 27th 2023
Theory Time: Time has come, finally. Imma be talking about imu and wat it possibly is and
origins,powers,gorosei,nika and etc. please stick around and read on and hope you enjoy my theory & opinion. Continue….
#imu #history ImageImageImageImage
1st: imma start with the beginning, this a is about the omni/primordial gods that came before all and every existence….First was chaos…2nd Gaia…..3rd eros….4 being nika. Just know oda pick a lot from all mythology but seem more connected with these primordial opinion Image
These 4gods will probably be siblings. First chaos was the oldest and had kinda more authority in a way.. but loved being free.2nd was gaia… gaia was more of the one wanting more growth and wanted it siblings be more like it. Third Eros, the most loving one and third nika,joyful ImageImageImageImage
Read 41 tweets
May 26th 2023

Instead of Imu being small/a kid, I think it’s more likely that the throne was never built for him to begin with.

Theory on Joy Boy, The Giant Straw Hat, The Empty Throne, and the Family of D:

(Thread 1/10 🧵) ImageImage
If the throne wasn’t originally his, then that means Imu must’ve fought in a war and usurped Joy Boy and the Ancient Kingdom

But then why would he keep his Straw Hat and what’s so important about it? Image
Well what if the Straw Hat is actually Joy Boy’s crown and now either a trophy that Imu keeps as a reminder of what he fought for, or a way to honour his memory if they were close friends and had a falling out? Image
Read 11 tweets
May 26th 2023
Imma be posting my imu theory tonight. So be ready for it and hope y’all show support.
I design this for the theory.
#imu Image
I’m sorry y’all I haven’t been posting these past few days…just been editing and getting things ready for this biggest theory of imu….. yo @bigdannyfr I’m be giving u credit tonight for the info you gave me, last week. Highly appreciate you.
The reason why I put ghandi goresei as vulcan. In real life pre-20th century astronomers…made a theory that vulcan was a planet…oda might be inspire by that for him. The reason why I didn’t put venus is bc she hasn’t been shown yet….
Read 4 tweets
May 26th 2023
#ONEPIECE x K-pop. (#SEVENTEEN) crossover fanfic. ❀

; masih ingat dengan Sanji fanboy? sebagai suportif BF apakah Zoro akan menyelami dunia K-pop juga? Image
pov; Vinsmoke Sanji
— OOC | original character belong to Eiichiro Oda sensei. Mention K-Pop! tidak bermaksud menyinggung siapapun, murni untuk hiburan semata. Image
Acara komedi ImageImage
Read 12 tweets
May 24th 2023
One Piece #1062

In the midst of an already demanding arc, Katsumi Ishizuka, Ryosuke Tanaka, and a team of remarkable talents managed to put together one of the most impressive animated action spectacles of the year. Let's break down how they made it happen.

#ONEPIECE ImageImageImageImage
First of all, it needs to be expressed that this sort of thing simply isn't possible for the vast majority of long-running series, especially not in the middle of such an action-heavy arc (with the most important content still yet to come). Not only did they manage to execute a-
-large-scale sakuga episode on an unprecedented level for the series, they did so immediately after another action episode featuring many of the team's strongest regular artists. By all means, this would ordinarily result in some sort of production collapse, but the planning-
Read 43 tweets
May 22nd 2023
"Should I start One Piece?"
if you have ever thought about this question, then give this thread a read, at most it'll take 5 minutes
I'll try to explain what makes One Piece so worth it and why you should start, keeping spoilers to a minimum.
One Piece is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Eiichiro Oda. It has been serialized in Shueisha's shōnen manga magazine Weekly Shōnen Jump since July 1997, with its individual chapters compiled into 105 tankōbon volumes as of March 2023. Image
As of today, there are 1084 manga chapters and 1062 anime episodes. Seeing such a huge number of episodes/chapters, it's definitely daunting to even think about starting it. But the length of the series has it's own charm. It is like a time capsule, and you can look back and
Read 16 tweets
May 22nd 2023
#今週のワンピ #ONEPIECE  #ONEPIECE1083

- YM est Uranus
- Parrallèle Dressrosa / IM
- L'histoire de Mimi et Lilie Nefertari

Hésitez pas follow, like et RT c'est ça fait plaisir ! Image
Déjà pour commencer cette théorie a été pensé en partie grace a ma discu avec @SenseiVs qui m'a parlé du lien lili/mimi...../titi/vivi

Faite par :

Mais aussi par le thread de @goatpiece:

Je vous propose donc mon idée sur le sujet:
Déjà il est sûr et certain pour moi que Im = Uranus.
C'était déja le cas depuis 2018 avec les liens sur la mythologie Hindou et les *Armes CÉLESTES*, détenues par des dieux, ressemblant aux Armes ANTIQUES!


contrôlant des monstres marins tout comme Poseidon ! ImageImage
Read 31 tweets
May 21st 2023

#OnePiece 1084 brought up the mystery of Lily's disappearance, but the possibility of her having secretly become Imu is a lot more likely than you might first think, so let's explore this idea together 👉 (1/12) ImageImage
So Nefertari Lily of Alabasta never returned from Mary Geoise at the end of the Void Century. The easiest answer to this is that she had a change of heart against Imu and thus was killed in turn, but managed to divulge the secrets she discovered in a letter to her family (2/12) ImageImage
This would explain why the Gorosei consider the Nefertari to be "traitors", though we lack a lot of context there. But while this answer seems like the most logical and safe option, how about we think of the far more fun and interesting possibility? 👀 (3/12) Image
Read 13 tweets
May 20th 2023

Há milhares de anos, os Lunarios, uma raça vinda do espaço, deixam seu planeta de origem, e migram para a terra, com eles vinham os Birkas, Shandias e Skypieans.
Ao chegaram no grande planeta azul, os 4 povos se dividiram em duplas. Image
Os Skypieans e os Birkas optaram por viver em cima das nuvens. Já os Shandias e os Lunarios, optaram por viver em terra firme.
Os Shandias logo encontraram seu lugar na terra, em uma ilha desabitada e lhe deram o nome de Jaya. ImageImage
Read 39 tweets
May 20th 2023
#ONEPIECE short FANFIC a #dofuwani few tweet AU! — 🔞❤️‍🔥 dari universe “Gantangan Chibibukai” (extra story) 🦩🐊 ImageImage
⚠ disclaimer :
— Ini adalah cerita flashback ketika 3 bulan awal usia pernikahan pak dofi dengan mamim. (doflamingo 32th • crocodile 28th). Image
❀ (1/5)
kado misterius ImageImage
Read 17 tweets
May 20th 2023

The Story of Nefertari Lili

Warning. Contains #ONEPIECE1084 Spoilers Image
This thread will aim to establish what the true story of Nefetari Lili may be.

In order to do this, we'll look at likely real world inspirations, and details from within the manga itself that may connect.

Let's get in to it.
Firstly, let's consider the potential inspirations from real world scriptures.

Lilith (Lili) is mentioned across many different scriptures, dating back millennia. These include, The Bible, Hebrew scriptures, and even Sumerian scriptures, dating back as far as 2000 BCE Babylonia Image
Read 28 tweets
May 18th 2023
~ Imu’s Identity ~

Spoiler warning I pretty much solved Imu’s identity 🤷🏼‍♀️😮‍💨
Imu is Lili Nefertari’s daughter.
Her character being a direct mirror to Doflamingo, however Imu did manage to succeed with her goal even better then Doflamingo could ever dream to achieve. ImageImageImage
Read 10 tweets
May 16th 2023
In defence of Gear 5th, the Nika fruit & Joy Boy

A #OnePiece thread Image
Before we dive into addressing some of the major concerns & 'criticisms' regarding the (not so) recent reveal in Wano; let's fully lay out what 1044 actually means for the story, and in turn, the character of Monkey D. Luffy. Image
Oda has always been presented Luffy as this rubber boy defying all odds in pursuit of his dream; whilst simultaneously laying seeds for something more. Whether it be the Will of D. in his name or his unrelenting ability to garner allies, whether it be townsfolk or Emperors. ImageImageImageImage
Read 30 tweets
May 5th 2023
🚨📝THREAD: Conexões curiosas entre os números dos capítulos de #OnePieceImage
🚨📝O capítulo 69 tem o título Arlong Park. Já o capítulo 609, tem o título: "Aventura na Ilha dos Homens-Peixe". É curioso a similaridade de 69-609. São 540 capítulos depois, e na vida real 4.399 dias (12 anos). #OnePiece Image
🚨📝No capítulo 387, Luffy anuncia o "Gear Second". Já no 783 (387 ao contrário), Luffy anuncia o "Gear Four". Foram 396 capítulos depois, e na vida real passaram 9 anos entre eles. #OnePiece Image
Read 6 tweets
May 3rd 2023

Special art: pôster Image
Cap 937 Image
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May 2nd 2023
THREAD : Les théories les plus populaires de One Piece. #ONEPIECE

(1/17) 📖 Image
1. All Blue, la réunification des mers.

Dans One Piece, All Blue est une mer légendaire où on peut y trouver tous les poissons des quatre mers (East Blue, West Blue, North Blue et South Blue). Image
Il est le seul endroit où les 4 mers se rencontrent et la théorie dit que pour que All Blue apparaisse, il est nécessaire de détruire Red Line.

Cet évènement mènera à la réunification des 4 mers et à la paix du monde de One Piece sans Red Line qui divise toutes les mers et les…… Image
Read 17 tweets
May 2nd 2023

Shanks é o herdeiro da vontade de Roger, o símbolo disso foi a passagem do chapéu de palha. Quando Roger voltou de Laugh Tale, ele disse a Shanks o que ele precisava para chegar na última ilha, mas mesmo o Shanks sendo o herdeiro, ele não tinha o que era requisitado. ImageImageImageImage
Por isso ele não foi atrás do One Piece até agora, a Gomu Gomu no Mi (Hito Hito no Mi, Mítica: Modelo Nika) é uma das chaves 🔑 para ter acesso a todo o tesouro de Joy Boy, Roger só teve acesso ao CONHECIMENTO do tesouro, e não ao tesouro físico em si. Image
Shanks chora por saber que não estava pronto para ser o herdeiro do seu capitão. Que existe uma possibilidade gigantesca dele não ser o herdeiro. Que talvez ele nunca consiga o One Piece. Shanks sabia como chegar em Laugh Tale, ele sabia como conseguir os Road Poneglyph […] ImageImageImage
Read 6 tweets
Apr 30th 2023
The Will of D. Theory [Thread]


We are going to explore what the D. stands for and what the Will of D. is.

I believe the letter D can stand for a lot of things, and we have all theorized about them: Desire, Dreams, Devil, Danger, Dawn, Don, Half moon, Road etc.
Since Wano and Egghead, the themes in the story always brought me back to something specific.
The Sun God reveal, Hanuman, the theme of Identity, Creation, Freedom, science, galaxy, stars etc.
Read 27 tweets

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