Chris Blackburn Profile picture
Communications at B Strategic Partners. I'm interested in international relations and security. #RecognisetheGenocide1971 #HimalayasWatch @GFAfghanistan

Oct 2, 2020, 10 tweets…

Remember when @Jim_Jordan and @MarkMeadows asked why two DOJ prosecutors Andrew Weissman and Zainab Ahmad had been liasing with Bruce Ohr on Steele dossier related matters in 2016?

Counterintelligence probe? Prosecutors read in on Steele dossier?

"In 2016, prior to the presidential election..." 🤔

Weissman and Ahmad had been told by Bruce Ohr that Christoper Steele (employed by the DNC) was desperate to prevent @realDonaldTrump from becoming President.

Ahmad had been plucked from New York and moved to headquarters in the Spring of 2016. Organised a conference for @Comey…

Zainab Ahmad has a very interesting resume. She briefed the White House and foreign counterparts.

It will be interesting to see if it was the Obama or Trump administration.

Also the resume says her switch to DC was in January 2016.…

Here is Ahmad's work with the World Economic Forum in 2017. She was obviously a rising star at the DOJ.…

Zainab worked on the #1MDB scandal as part of the DOJ's Kleptocracy Initiative. Andy McCabe launched the probe.

If she was looking into @GeorgePapa19 predicate and the Middle Eastern parts of Spygate. She knew PetroSaudi links to Joseph Mifsud.…

For more on Joseph Mifsud's ties to the Middle East. Here is @Brian_Whit piece.

What are the chances of two of the FBI/DOJ's most important 2016 investigations coming together in Rome?…

I've been told that when she worked on terrorism cases in the UK. She used Martin Polaine and Arvinder Sambei's former cases as part of US extradition requests.

Zainab worked on Operation Pathway. She got a UK commendation for it.…

Operation Pathway was a major US-UK operation. Zainab did some excellent work with her British counterparts.

Some of the information used in the case came from Osama bin Laden's compound in Abbottabad.

Amicus were using LCILP as a vehicle for counterterrorism work. Joseph Mifsud provided the venues for training at the London Academy of Diplomacy and Link Campus in Rome.

DOJ know.

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