Dr Duncan Robertson Profile picture
Policy & Strategy Analytics academic at Loughborough University; Fellow, St Catherine's College, Oxford. Focusing on COVID-19 Member, @IndependentSage. DMs open

Oct 2, 2020, 8 tweets

Well done to @OfficialUoM for publishing positive Covid cases at the university. manchester.ac.uk/coronavirus/ca… This draws attention to the university, and raises questions as to why this hasn't been updated for a few days. But it is a good thing to be public, and should be encouraged.

.@sheffielduni also publish data - well done, particularly for keeping the info up to date. sheffield.ac.uk/autumn-term-20…

We can see apparent outbreaks at other universities. Here's the location of @UniofExeter (21-27 September cases) - would be good to have a dashboard of cases.

.@carlbaker is methodically keeping track of cases per MSOA (area of around 8000 people) highlighting locations with more than 15 cases and also more than 20% students.

Here's the data for @UniofOxford . Published weekly. Good to see number of tests and positivity (which is over 5%)

* as it's good to see number of tests and positivity reported.

Northumbria University. No dashboard, but 770 reported cases is huge.

Here is the current testing availability in Newcastle. Not ideal if you are a student without a car.

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