David H. Montgomery Profile picture
"A French history podcaster and enormous goshdang nerd after our own hearts" — @andrewvandam. Host of @thesiecle; senior data journalist with @YouGovAmerica.

Oct 2, 2020, 6 tweets

New #COVID19 cases are up today — but so is testing, even more, over 30,000. The positivity rate fell, too. The strongest conclusion is that most of this test “growth” is driven by expanded testing.

New hospitalizations are also down a little bit after soaring recently. You can’t always tell if declines on the left graph (by date of hospitalization) are real or data artifacts, but in the right (bar) graph you can see the drop shows up by report date, too.

Deaths are also trending up. Twice times now since summer, the 7-day average has approached 10 deaths per day, only to promptly decline. We’ll see if that happens again, or keeps rising into double digits.

The outbreak continues to be strongest in Greater Minnesota:

It’s worth noting that about 5% of today’s high case level were from more than 2 weeks ago — up a bit, but not nearly as high as what we saw back in the backlog dump days of August.

Minnesota #COVID19 cases have been rising in every age bracket 30 years old or higher. They’ve been flat in both 20-somethings (where the disease is most prevalent) and under-20s (where it’s least prevalent):

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