Tom Leaman Profile picture
Husband, father, Director of Observability @ Warner Bros. Discovery, wannabe woodworker, baker, 3D printer. Opinions 100% my own

Oct 2, 2020, 10 tweets

Really excited for this talk by Morgan Weever - Inclusivity Power-Up: Lessons Learned Mentoring Formerly Incarcerated Software Engineers.

It's a group you don't hear about much in DEI.


For this community mentorship isn't just about the technical knowledge (which is important) but there are some specialized needs for career growth. Additionally, imposter syndrome (a big issue in tech) can weigh heavy for formerly incarcerated individuals.


Some useful tips for Technical Education regardless of a mentee's background.

"Don't disparage the mentee's educational path" is a big one IMO - more and more folks are entering tech from non-traditional backgrounds which is *awesome*


Talking about Career Growth - some positive practices here as well.

Would love to hear more about STAR interviews for folks within this demographic. I'd imagine situations they face may be quite different than traditionally come up in interviews.


Having worked across a few DEI initiatives in the past I've heard that having representation of a demographic in leadership positions is critical for fostering inspiration.

Anyone know of any previously incarcerated folks that are good role-models in tech?

#laterTweet this was a great slide illustrating imposter syndrome from earlier in Morgan's presentation.


"Humor should always punch up" - Great recommendation for any relationship. This goes for folks of any background.


Good next steps for getting involved in mentoring folks with criminal records


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