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The best band you've never heard.

Oct 2, 2020, 20 tweets

The MD guide to the 20 best looking rock n' roll bands of all time*. In Order.

* not the prettiest bands, the bands that looked the best together.

20. The Pretenders

19. The Manic Street Preachers

18. Pink Floyd

17. Echo and the Bunnymen

16. Orange Juice

15. The Clash

14 SFA

13 Thin Lizzy

12 New York Dolls

11 Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds

10. The Slits

9. The Undertones


7. The Doors

6. Blondie

5. Roxy Music

4. The Ramones

3. The Velvet Underground

2. Television

1. The Rolling Stones

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