Eric Topol Profile picture
physician-scientist, author, editor. Ground Truths:

Oct 2, 2020, 8 tweets

Some comments on treating w/ the @Regeneron monoclonal antibody infusion.
1. @statnews piece by @matthewherper…
and company press release with more extensive data
The viral load clearing effects were related to being antibody negative

2. The dose given (8 g) was the highest tested. There were also non-human primate studies.
Here is the main paper @ScienceMagazine rationale for the "cocktail" as compared to a single monoclonal for the other antibody programs.…

3. Here are the prophylaxis and treatment data preprint in macaques and hamsters…

4. A balanced status check from a few days ago… by @Carolynyjohnson

5. That's the summary of the data set for this experimental therapy. So far safety has not been a stumbling block. But what isn't known is the indication for using it today as "precautionary." Still many unknowns about the mAbs, too.

6. BTW both companies (@LillyPad and @Regeneron) with release of their small Phase 2 trials have asserted they have enough data to apply for an FDA emergency use authorization. I disagree, but that's a different matter.

7. @Regeneron's note today on their compassionate use program…
That's not really a clinical trial. It's an open use of drug w/o controls, provides some safety data. Would be interesting to learn how many patients received the mAb to date in this program.

8. Now Len Schleifer, CEO of @Regeneron on @CNN talking w/ @wolfblitzer. Justifying it as a "fair fight" for boosting immune response. Also doesn't comment on ? of possible infusion of the mAb to @FLOTUS

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