James Stephenson Profile picture
@ElonMusk and I own Tesla (along with several other people).

Oct 3, 2020, 5 tweets

Here is my latest $TSLA forecast, updated with this morning's delivery report.

I cannot underscore enough: EVs are the future of transportation and- so far- only Tesla has figured out how to make them profitably.

Tesla's Adjusted EBITDA (profit) will rise as quarterly deliveries increase.

Here's how Tesla S3XY deliveries have grown and will continue to grow. Since Tesla no longer reports deliveries of S separately from X or 3 separately from Y, I have to make educated guesses in my forecast model.

Here's a chart showing the relationship between Tesla's total global production and deliveries by quarter.

... and lastly, here's a chart showing how beginning and ending finished goods inventory changes over time based on quarterly production and deliveries.

Tesla exhibits world-leading logistics management, with only ~2 weeks' sales in ending inventory.

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