Andrew—Author of America Rises On Substack Profile picture
Pro-Democracy. Anti-Fascism. Gay AF. King of sarcasm. Receipt-provider. Final boss of lib twitter. @GOP is a fascist Nazi cult #BlackLivesMatter #ExpandTheCourt

Oct 3, 2020, 7 tweets

Trump and Melania have COVID! Karmic justice? Absolutely. But here’s why you should keep your champagne corked and double down on your efforts to get him out of office by voting in overwhelming numbers from now until November 3rd (AUDIO THREAD) Part 1

Trump and Melania have COVID! Karmic justice? Absolutely. But here’s why you should keep your champagne corked and double down on your efforts to get him out of office by voting in overwhelming numbers from now until November 3rd (AUDIO THREAD) Part 2

Trump and Melania have COVID! Karmic justice? Absolutely. But here’s why you should keep your champagne corked and double down on your efforts to get him out of office by voting in overwhelming numbers from now until November 3rd (AUDIO THREAD) Part 3

Trump and Melania have COVID! Karmic justice? Absolutely. But here’s why you should keep your champagne corked and double down on your efforts to get him out of office by voting in overwhelming numbers from now until November 3rd (AUDIO THREAD) Part 4

Trump and Melania have COVID! Karmic justice? Absolutely. But here’s why you should keep your champagne corked and double down on your efforts to get him out of office by voting in overwhelming numbers from now until November 3rd (AUDIO THREAD) Part 5

Trump and Melania have COVID! Karmic justice? Absolutely. But here’s why you should keep your champagne corked and double down on your efforts to get him out of office by voting in overwhelming numbers from now until November 3rd (AUDIO THREAD) Part 6

Trump and Melania have COVID! Karmic justice? Absolutely. But here’s why you should keep your champagne corked and double down on your efforts to get him out of office by voting in overwhelming numbers from now until November 3rd (AUDIO THREAD) Part 7

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