Andrew—New YouTube Channel @LiveFromTheResistance Profile picture
Scholar and a Gentleman. Pro-Democracy. Anti-Fascism. Gay AF. Trump is Putin's Puppet. And so is @elonmusk. Billionaires don't want to lower your fucking taxes.
83 subscribers
Mar 7 5 tweets 1 min read
List of peace/ceasefire agreements broken by Russia:

❌1949: Geneva Convention I
❌1949: Geneva Convention II
❌1949: Geneva Convention III
❌1949: Geneva Convention IV
❌1966: The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)
❌1977: Geneva Protocols I
❌1977: Geneva Protocols II List of peace/ceasefire agreements broken by Russia (cont’d: Part I):

❌1984: The United Nations Convention against Torture
❌1987: Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty
❌1990: Conventional forces in Europe Treaty
❌1992: Open Skies Treaty
❌1994: Budapest Memorandum
Feb 20 9 tweets 4 min read
Tulsi Gabbard is a traitor who ensures we are effectively cut off from any intelligence being shared with us from our allies. This means if an allied nation gets word about the next 9/11-level terrorist attack being planned against America, we will remain in the dark about it. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is also a traitor who doesn’t believe in science or vaccines. He will ensure that tens or hundreds of thousands if not millions of Americans die preventable deaths from outbreaks of eradicated diseases like Measles and Polio and new ones like Bird Flu.
Dec 30, 2024 28 tweets 4 min read
Professors William Baude & Michael Stokes Paulson (conservatives):

“Despite its long slumber, Section III of the 14th Amendment is alive and in force. It remains fully legally operative. It is constitutionally self-executing—that is, its command is automatically effective and…” …directly enacted by the Constitution itself—and it is sweeping: It sweeps over earlier and inconsistent constitutional provisions. It sweeps in a broad range of conduct attacking the authority of the United States.”
Nov 21, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
Trump can’t tell the truth

He can’t care about other humans

He can’t admit a mistake

He can’t accept responsibility

He can’t feel empathy, compassion, or remorse

He can’t laugh or joke

He can’t follow the law

He can’t uphold the Constitution

He can’t be loyal to America He cannot properly assess risk or navigate reality

He cannot make informed decisions

He cannot consider or consult the opinion of experts

He cannot refrain from abusing his power

He cannot show humility

He cannot be decent

He cannot approach decisions rationally
Nov 16, 2024 11 tweets 3 min read
I’ll explain this again just to get ahead of the MAGA outrage at my “lack of civility/tolerance for people with different political beliefs.” If you voted for Trump, you and I do not have “different political beliefs.” We are at opposite ends of the cosmos in terms of character. If you voted for Trump, you voted for the nullification of my marriage by your corrupt court of illegitimate religious extremists who we all know isn’t done taking a sledgehammer to our fundamental freedoms and most cherished victories for equality and civil rights.
Nov 12, 2024 8 tweets 6 min read
Fuck. All. The. Way. Off. You. Spineless. Five. Time. Draft. Dodging. Traitorous. Dipshit. Image Here’s a Substack piece I wrote last September about how much the Republican Party DESPISES our nation’s military. And no one in the party has more contempt for the members of our armed forces than Donald Trump himself

Pages 1-4: Image
Oct 8, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
Vance knows Trump lost the 2020 election

Mike Johnson knows Trump lost the 2020 election

Donald Trump knows he lost the 2020 election

They don’t refuse to admit it because they believe it’s true. They do it because fascists always try to create a world where there is no truth So that people say “Well, Democrats and pundits say the election wasn’t stolen. But Republicans say that it was. I guess we can never truly know for sure one way or the other.”

Except THAT’S BULLSHIT. The 2020 election was NOT STOLEN. Trump LOST. And TRUTH MATTERS in a DEMOCRACY
Oct 5, 2024 12 tweets 3 min read
Since @BillOReilly took it upon himself to claim that @KamalaHarris “may be the most unprepared presidential candidate in history,” let’s take a look at her qualifications. [Spoiler alert: She is among the *most* prepared/qualified candidates in modern U.S. history] (THREAD)Image Before her selection as Biden’s vice presidential candidate, Harris was the San Francisco District Attorney, the CA Attorney General, and a U.S. senator. All of these were elected positions to which she made history as the being the first female/mixed race person to hold them.
Oct 2, 2024 24 tweets 4 min read
Vance and Trump have both repeatedly lied about Trump “salvaging/saving the Affordable Care Act.” Vance told this lie at least half a dozen times tonight. So let’s correct the record on Trump and Obamacare (the ACA) right now so there is no more confusion (Thread). As president, Trump fought relentlessly to repeal the ACA using executive action, legislation and lawsuits. “Trump was not successful in undoing the ACA, but it was not for lack of trying,” said Larry Levitt, executive VP for health policy at KFF, a nonpartisan research group.
Sep 27, 2024 15 tweets 3 min read

1. He’s a virulent racist (white supremacist is more accurate)

2. He’s a rapist (of at least 3 women including his first wife, E. Jean Carroll, and a 13 year old girl)

3. He’s a pedophile (who is on Epstein’s flight logs and raped at least one child with him) 4. He’s a traitor (owned by Russia for the last 3 decades; sold state secrets while in office; sides with our enemies)

5. He’s one of the dumbest people alive (he thinks we should nuke hurricanes, inject bleach, science is a hoax, and windmills cause cancer. Unfathomable idiot)
Sep 22, 2024 19 tweets 3 min read
BREAKING: 741 former high-ranking national security officials have signed a letter officially endorsing @KamalaHarris for President.

They include:
—15 four-star Generals
—10 former cabinet secretaries
—10 service secretaries and even
—Multiple GOP leaders who served under Trump You can read the letter here:…
Sep 3, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Daily reminder:

She got over 15 million primary votes

She got over 81 million votes in the 2020 election

And watch her get over 90 million votes in November Image All they can do is cry about how we have a nominee they can’t beat. Hate to break it to the cat turds of the world, but Trump wasn’t going to beat Biden either. And he has absolutely zero shot against Harris.
Sep 1, 2024 5 tweets 4 min read
You didn’t win anything. The corrupt “judge” who illegitimately dismissed the case WAS APPOINTED BY YOU (right after you lost the 2020 election) and just happened to have this case “randomly assigned to her.” She overrode objections to pass it off. Her dismissal will be reversed. Wrote about the need to replace this judge last November for this exact reason: Image
Aug 26, 2024 15 tweets 3 min read
Donald Trump is a 34-time convicted felon

He’s been federally charged for 57 additional felonies, including conspiracy to defraud the United States

He’s been found civilly responsible for rape, battery, and defamation and ordered to pay over half a billion dollars in penalties He is a malignantly narcissistic sociopath with antisocial personality disorder who has no capacity to navigate reality, tell the truth, take responsibility or feel empathy, compassion, remorse, or shame. He sees everything solely in terms of how much he stands to benefit from it
Aug 22, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Damn this was fast

@JDVance has officially inspired a
gay porn parody based on his ‘alleged’ affinities for couches (Although the only resemblance between Vance and Hayden Harding is the beard)

And yes, this is 100% real (I do not post things that I don’t verify) and hilarious

Film description:

“We’ve all been there: you’re bored and horny, things get a little weird, and even the couch starts looking kind of sexy. Hayden Harding succumbs to the allure of his office sofa, shrugging out of his suit and grinding against the arm.”
Aug 21, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
No, I don’t remember when “Biden sent Kamala to Europe to ‘stop the war in Ukraine’ (three days before it started) by meeting with Putin,” because THAT NEVER FUCKING HAPPENED, you lying traitorous POS.

Kamala Harris HAS NEVER MET WITH PUTIN and Trump is literally Putin’s bitch. Trump has been Putin’s personal cock-polisher for DECADES:
Aug 20, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Look at you setting records @elonmusk Image While you’re here, check out some of my other threads exposing @elonmusk for the lying racist moronic abomination he is
Aug 16, 2024 11 tweets 2 min read
Me: “Should convicted felons have the right to vote?”

MAGA dude: “Absolutely not”

Me: “So you’re not okay with convicted felons participating in our elections.”

MAGA dude: “No way”

Me: “But you still support a convicted felon becoming President and plan to vote for him?” MAGA dude: “Trump’s trial was rigged by Democrats”

Me: “I see. The jury that was randomly selected and both he and his lawyer agreed upon the selections for were biased against him after all”

MAGA dude: “Damn right”
Aug 1, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
.@JDVance: “I just don’t understand how Kamala Harris can go around saying she’s half black and half Indian. It’s disingenuous and frankly, it’s confusing. I mean, really, what is she trying to pull?”

—Man whose wife is Indian-American/children are all half white and half Indian Do you know what weirdo and Project 2025-endorser @JDVance’s ATROCIOUS policy positions are (on pretty much everything)? If not, please read and share this thread:
Jul 31, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Now THIS is how you write a headline. Well done @MotherJones Image Since this is blowing up faster than anything I’ve posted on here in a while, here are some additional threads on Trump’s history of unmitigated virulent racism.
Jul 30, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
MAGA: “Let’s see Harris draw a crowd like Trump to a rally!”

Atlanta: “Ok, how’s this?” For the record, this is a bigger crowd than I’ve ever seen Trump draw. And there are actually thousands of people still outside who couldn’t get in. BWAHAHAHA