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#1 fossil fuels fan account #1 quantitative easing hater account 🏎🏎🏎

Oct 3, 2020, 6 tweets


Remdesivir, hypothesized to be effective treatment of covid19 bc of its antiviral activity against SARS & MERS was developed in partnership with Gilead Sciences at the same UNC Chapel Hill Lab that created Chimera coronaviruses w/ SARS & MERS with the Wuhan Institute of Virology

It is not just conspiracy that the first known cases had no known connection to the market, and had onset of symptons dated to December 1st- suggesting November infection, but recorded in the inital studies from China published in The Lancet.

Taiwan sent a query to WHO December 31 strongly suspecting human to human transmission and immediately enacted border and quarantine measures even though countries were advised against doing so. It was maintained that the source was the market despite no 1st patient connection.

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