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Oct 3, 2020, 7 tweets

1/7: Today we’ve been discussing Hongerwinter as part of our analysis of OMG. But, 27 years ago today in Somalia, the 2-day Battle of #Mogadishu began. Tomorrow we'll review the fighting, but for now it may be important to understand the parallel to the Dutch winter of 1944-45.

2/7: In 1991, the Somali government fell amidst crippling poverty & starvation. A group of tribal warlords fought for control & influence. Just as WW2 devastated Dutch rail/roadways, in the Somali capital, Mogadishu, block-by-block fighting destroyed agriculture, homes, industry.

3/7: As in Holland in the winter of '44, the international community tried to help. However, aid was thwarted by warlords, fighting, & destroyed road networks. 300k+ Somalis starved to death b/w 1991 & 1992.

4/7: So, in 1993, the UN led Operation Restore Hope, a multi-national effort to feed the starving Somali people. Our @10MTNDIV was to secure major cities/roads to allow the food to get to the people.

5/7: Throughout '93, Somalia militias attacked humanitarian relief convoys and seized supplies for their local warlord leaders. 27 years ago today, Task Force Ranger (led by 3-75) undertook a raid [approved by President Clinton] to capture warlord leaders in Mogadishu.

6/7: The 2-day battle that followed was the bloodiest & longest sustained US fighting since the close of Vietnam. 18 American Soldiers were killed, 73 wounded. Tomorrow we'll focus on the grit of the men who fought in Mogadishu. Today let's remember why they were there.

FINAL: Throughout our history, American land power has served to advance our interests. In Somalia in 1993, as in Holland in 1945 and many places and many times, it also served to bring comfort to the afflicted.

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