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Jun 17th 2023
1/12 📢 BREAKING: The #Puntland Government of #Somalia has issued a comprehensive proposal on solutions to the challenges of the state-building process in the country.…
2/12 #Puntland has raised concerns over the Federal Government's lack of political will & systematic delays in reaching negotiated political settlements, and now opts for bilateral negotiations. #SomaliPolitics
3/12 The proposal outlines ten key challenges facing the state-building process, and offers potential solutions to each. Here's a breakdown: #SomaliaStateBuilding
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Feb 25th 2023
#Warhammer 40,000: #Battlesector is surprisingly addictive #game, despite problems with not always obvious goals and extremely slow turns even with skip enemy movement option. Image
Each mission of the campaign is a manually constructed map, full of a huge number of small details and offering non-trivial tactical opportunities. ImageImageImageImage
Literally, from the very first missions, the game seems unbeatable and feels like a horror. But it’s intendant, when you get used to retreating tactics and open more special skills and units, you will have a choice of more optimal solutions for every situation. Image
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Jan 23rd 2023
@Ralf_Stegner I have a Drone ....


@Ralf_Stegner Leopard 2 in die #Ukraine? hmm ... schwierig.

Leopard 2 über Saudi Arabien iin den #Jemen?

Gar kein Problem!

unsere Freiheit wird eh am Horn von Afrika verteidigt

von #Mogadishu: ne Ersatztlieferung geht fix
(via #landshut)…

Read 3 tweets
Dec 29th 2022
In his speech to the Somali Parliament, the President of the Republic, His Excellency Ismail Omar Guelleh, emphasized that the Somali Parliament has a leading role to play in the fight against Al Shabab terrorists. #Somalia #AlShabab #terrorism Image
The President emphasized that the legislative and oversight power of the Parliament can contribute to the fight against terrorism by passing forward-thinking laws to combat the settlement of foreigners promoting terrorism. #Somalia #counterterrorism #legislation Image
The Republic of Djibouti supports Somalia in the fight against Al Shabab terrorists, including through its contingent in the African Transitional Mission in Somalia (ATMIS). #Djibouti #Somalia #AlShabab #ATMIS Image
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Dec 8th 2022
My sixth paper for @GI_TOC has just gone live!

It takes a deep dive into Al-Shabaab's checkpoint 'taxation' system, drawing on over 800 'tax' receipts issued by al-Shabaab tax officials from July 2015 – Oct 2021. (thread) #Somalia

Such a large body of data allowed unique insights into Al-Shabaab's taxation practices. We were able to analyze tax rates over time and across different transportation routes.
Some highlights from the findings:

1) Al-Shabaab categorizes its checkpoint tax system into four streams:

🚚 Transit
📦 Goods
🌾 Agricultural produce
🐐 Livestock
Read 10 tweets
Dec 7th 2022
NEW GIF | Anti-#alShabaab forces captured #AdanYabal, the final district capital under al Shabaab–control in Middle Shabelle, on December 5. View the progress of anti-al Shabaab forces in central #Somalia throughout 2022 below. (1/10)
Somali forces are contesting more area in central Somalia than they have since an African Union–led offensive in the mid-2010s. Somali officials and forces in Hirshabelle State have primarily led the 2022 offensive. (2/10) Image
The Somali government began the offensive in June with the support of local clan militia that rebelled against al Shabaab for assassinating a prominent clan elder.… (3/10)
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Nov 28th 2022
#AlShabaab besieged a hotel within a mile of #Somalia’s presidential palace on November 27. The #Mogadishu attacks demonstrate that al Shabaab retains key capabilities in and around the Somali capital, writes @liam_karr.… 1/4 Image
The siege is the latest in a series of high-profile suicide attacks across Somalia in response to an ongoing government-led campaign to recapture al Shabaab positions in central Somalia. 2/4
Al Shabaab will likely continue to conduct suicide attacks targeting civilians in response to federal forces and local militias’ offensive against its positions in central Somalia. 3/4
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Nov 17th 2022
Wow! This is actually the perfect metaphor! As someone who served in #Somalia, maybe these “kids” are too young to know.

Black Hawk helicopters were shot down over #Mogadishu. Then the rescue mission set after them also got shot down!

#NAFO #film #war #Africa
It was the early 1990’s. 🇺🇸 was supposed to be part of a multinational coalition under a United Nations 🇺🇳 (“Blue Helmet”) command structure in Somalia 🇸🇴.

🇺🇸 had 1 job: help defend emergency food relief convoys.

Instead, somebody decided to be “John Wayne” and go off script!
In BROAD DAYLIGHT, those MFs decided they were going to fly across town (in full view) into a “hot” landing zone, in the heart of rebel-controlled #Mogadishu, and then try to *capture* the rebel Gen. Mohammed Aideed.

Later, we ended up with THIS mess:

Read 8 tweets
Nov 16th 2022
🧵big thread 1/25

Madagascar used to be a part of somalia when it was conquered by mogadishu and adal in the early middle ages.

And thats why its named after mogadishu

Somali history is deliberately being distorted and minimized‼️

Here is the truth👇 1/25

#somalia #mogadishu Image

Around the 10th century Mogadishu became a world famous port city and is clearly described by literally every traveler or historian from every nation around the world that has visited it or written about it, as the the biggest, richest and most powerful city in east africa. ImageImageImage

The ivory & gold trade is one of the main reasons Mogadishu is so wealthy & there is clear consensus amongst african & western historians that the merchants of mogadishu r the first 2 arrive in sofala Mozambique with ships in search of gold & ivory in wich they find plenty. ImageImageImageImage
Read 25 tweets
Nov 1st 2022
In recent days, #Somalia has been all over international headlines -- why?

#AlShabab killed 120+ in a double car bomb attack outside the Education Ministry in #Mogadishu.

That's to be expected, of course. It was a massive attack & the deadliest there for 5yrs. ImageImageImage
BUT another #Somalia story of enormous significance has struggled to win the attention of international media:

- #Somalia is on the brink of the worst famine seen in 50+ years.

Aid experts say this imminent famine will be worse than the one in 2011 -- when 260,000 died. Image
#Somalia's impending famine has attracted occasional reporting, but nothing like the blanket coverage after a terror attack.

Reasons for why are disturbing.

Barring nuclear war in #Ukraine, there's nothing on earth that threatens to match the disaster approaching #Somalia. Image
Read 4 tweets
Oct 29th 2022
🚨#BREAKING: Reports of two massive explosions in #Mogadishu, #Somalia.
🚨#UPDATE: The Explosions happened near education ministry building in #Mogadishu, #Somalia
🚨#UPDATE: Police tell #Somali state media there are "scores" of casualties after 2 blasts at a busy junction in Somalia's capital.
Read 4 tweets
Aug 8th 2022
#Thread per reliable source at FM in Somalia told me that China Amb to Somalia @FeiShengchao is the most corrupt in Somalia; he bribes media with an average of $5k per interview to amplify the "one-china policy" - he provided guidance to former Somalia FM to draft this letter.
He has given $350k and $80k gift watch to former minister of information @OsmanDubbe to remodel the ministry- Dubbe was questioned at Heathrow airport to provide receipt of the gift- this ambassador earned a nickname called " MrHow Much you want"
At Benadir region admin - he is alleged to have given mayor @OFilish close to half million $ to rehabilitate some districts and new buildings- this is not the first time Chinese amb to Somalia provide financial stance to regions or government institution, but it us to be public.
Read 9 tweets
Jul 28th 2022
NEW: #China "proceeding to increase their access & influence on the continent" & seeks to establish more military bases in #Africa, outgoing @USAfricaCommand Commander Gen Stephen Townsend tells @GWUPMNS
"Some of the most lethal terrorists on the planet are now in Africa...#alQaida & #ISIS " per @USAfricaCommand's Gen Townsend
"We've prevented strategic distraction" per Gen Townsend on his time at @USAfricaCommand - says US has been able to address threats in #Africa without taking focus on primary challenges, pacing threat from #China and also #Russia
Read 18 tweets
Jul 18th 2022
This is the first Islamic State claim against African Union troops in #Somalia since Sept. 2018 and first in #Mogadishu since Oct. 2016 - though there does not appear to be any local corroboration for an IED targeting @ATMIS_Somalia today Image
To put in context, the Sept. 2018 claim against Ethiopian troops allegedly took place outside of Bosaso which was more than likely false. And the Oct. 2016 claim was against an unspecified AMISOM member (though likely Ugandan given the location) which was also never corroborated
Most of IS-Somalia's operational claims are in Mogadishu, though it very rarely ever claims anything against AU forces. This is just the 6th time since April 2016 which is when IS first starting claiming operations in Somalia
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Jun 3rd 2022
🧵 thread 1/18

A thread on how there is an sophisticated attack on fundamental islamic principles in somali society with the aim of replacing them with western liberal values and the role western funded institutions as sahan & civil activist have in it.

#somalia #mogadishu

This thread will be focused on a report done by the rand corporation a US funded think tank that aims to reform islam by dividing up muslims and then allying with one against the other.

Here is a link to the report…

The report argues that the 🇺🇸 has 3 potential partners in muslim societies

1st : secularist
2nd : liberal muslims
3rd : moderate traditionalist incl sufis

Here are the report’s definition of these 3 groups
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May 21st 2022
🧵thread 1/8


Originates from the canadian plumber matt bryden who is now active in the Horn of Africa as a conflict entrepreneur and brydenism syndrome describes the mental state people are in after being affected by matt bryden.

#somalia #mogadishu

Brydenism syndrome is unfortunately prevalent in the horn of africa where it first was diagnosed. But some analysts have said that early stages of brydenism syndrome have been detected in matt’s homeland Canada.

What is brydenism syndrome ??

Well scholars disagree on it some say; people suffering from brydenism have extremely low self confidence and are extremely dependent and cant reason for themselves ! The term beta males is used !! this group mostly looks down upon their own !
Read 8 tweets
May 21st 2022
🧵thread 1/10

Somalia has the best beaches on the face of the earth !!

I’ve said it and i will proof it 👇👇

Also Somalia has the longest coast in mainland africa 3333 km long

#somalia #mogadishu #kismaayo #hobyo #lasqorey #bosaso #eyl #zeila #warsheikh #barawa #berbera

The capital city of mogadishu

The city has many beaches but these 2 are the most famous

Pic 1 & 2 : lido beach
Pic 3 & 4 : jazeera beach

Here is drew binsky a well known youtube traveler who visited mogadishu and he says its the best beach he saw in africa 👇👇
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May 21st 2022

Matt bryden & rashid abdi are ordering hsm that he must go after N&N wich means anybody who doesn’t believe in clannism & that speaking about sovereignty & defending your country is extremism !

Foreigners are calling 4 the persecution of somalis !

#somalia #mogadishu

Obviously Hsm doesn’t have his own policy and it seems everything is being directed for him from nairobi and hsm’s campaign promises seems to include the persecution of his predecessor and his supporters !! They’re spreading fake videos and r trying to instigate clannism !

Well i am pretty sure matt bryden and rashid abdi know that hsm doesn’t have that capability of dismantling an ideology as does nobody in somalia so they’re ordering him to go after key members like somalis in kenya and sh abdi hirsi !!

Expect a abdiwahab kidnapping. 2.0
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May 20th 2022

People that speak on somalia are carefully indoctrinated to use a language that completely depends on western interpretations and justifications !! The level of indoctrination is beyond one’s wildest imagination ! The more educated the deeper the indoctrination !


Here is good illustration of what i kinda mean 👇👇 it seems there is a guide line created by western ngo’s that is carefully being guarden and promoted by western think tanks that forces one to speak in certain way and within a certain narrative when it comes to somalia !

There is a huge academic force active that has penetrated peoples minds and forces these people to speak about Somalia within certain narratives and presuppositions ! If you understand the narrative you will kinda understand what they want !!
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May 20th 2022

There are massive sabotage efforts from western diplomats surrounding the somali troops trained in eritrea and HOA analysts are saying that these troops are the main reason the US immediately ordered the redeployment of troops into somalia.

#somalia #mogadishu

There are 1000s of well trained somali soldiers in eritrea ready to be deployed into action in 🇸🇴 against al shabab but western diplomats have literally blocked any attempt of bringing them into somalia claiming it would disrupt the elections & could instigate violence.

Here is peter kagwanja a kenyan security analysts and husband of 🇰🇪’s current defense minister confirming the reports of western diplomats blocking somali soldiers trained in eritrea from coming into Somalia 👇 footage from today 20-05-2022 PS. Regional means pentagon
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May 6th 2022

Why Somalia needs change from Farmaajo’s and Khaire’s ruinous reign;

They were given power and trust and they showed — for five years ( Farmaajo) and three years (Khaire) — that they were not leaders but angry/showy small p politicians;

Somalia needs change;

Because of their lack of leadership Farmaajo & Khaire unleashed — unnecessarily — hyper-polarization among the Somali society & the political class. This has created 5 years of gridlock, hatred disorientation & stagnation;

Somalia needs change; they do not represent change;
Because of Farmaajo & Khaire’s MISPLACED priorities, Al Shabaab thrived & killed more civilians under their watch, AS extort money from almost every business in #Mogadishu & attack at will any place in the capital; last week they attacked parliamentarians inside Villa Somalia
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Apr 30th 2022

It seems the slogan ,”farmaajo is rigging the election”, has become some sort of a free ticket/shield that allows certain individuals to actually rig the election without being held accountable !!

How/why does this actually work ??

#somalia #mogadishu #projection

Its called projection

• Projection. Subconsciously pressuring others with your own flaws, sometimes in words, in order to present yourself better or in order to feel better about yourself.

Here is a research done on it by Derek d. Rucker of NLOM

Recent study shows that people who accuse other of their own flawes/acts almost always have characteristics that one could describe as narcissistic and hypocritical. Image
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Apr 29th 2022

The only thing hassan sheikh mohamud speaks about is federalism it has become a religion for him !!

He doesn’t have any foreign policy or any economic plans for 🇸🇴 NOTHING just federalism he is obsessed with it whilst people are in serious need.

#somalia #mogadishu

First of all i found it funny he says farmaajo used foreign trained troops 🤦‍♂️ under his leadership literally every somali soldier was trained by foreigners and many were going to 🇹🇷 and 🇺🇬 and 🇩🇯 for training ! But having said that hassan isn’t known for his honesty ! Image

Here is his biggest fear 👇👇 compassion fatigue meaning people/govt’s dont care anymore ! Why is this a disaster for hassan sheikh ?? Wel because he and his friends only know how to survive on foreign aid and lack any vision for self sufficiency ! They only know how to beg! Image
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Apr 20th 2022

Somalia was being setup to become a proxy against china in the Horn of Africa operations have already started.
Here is chain of events👇👇

you decide what it looks like 👇👇

#somalia #mogadishu

This thread is meant to showcase the dubious events surrounding secret deals btwn separatists rebel entities in northern somalia and western govt/intelligence agencies and multinational and US think thanks.

The story starts in 2016 when the UAE out of nowhere enters into an illegal agreement with a rebel separatists group in northern somalia ( somaliland ) making the fed govt of Somalia immediately declare the agreement null & void and relations btwn 🇦🇪 & 🇸🇴 are strangled. ImageImageImage
Read 18 tweets

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