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By trusting your Inner Senses you'll find true Knowledge, your Salvation and a Light for others to follow. 1 Timothy 4:16

Oct 4, 2020, 12 tweets

The most famous world’s expositions are considered to be those, held in Paris. Particularly they set the pitch in global development of everything: starting from art and finishing with military industry.
So, let's start with Paris.

Old Eiffel Tower looks a bit odd with some spheres attached to its framework. Let’s look closer from the opposite side (both photos were made around the year 1900).
The building at the background is Palais du Trocadéro, which was demolished for some reason in 1935.

That’s an interesting case we have here. Some kind of balcony (gallery) with lightbulbs is installed on the tower, and if you look closer, you’ll see some pillars that look similar to the pillars located at the top of the palace at Champ de Mars. But what’s left on the tower now?

That’s right, absolutely not the same as it was before, even behind the tower everything looks different. But what you probably don’t know is that the Eiffel Tower was originally planned as an entrance arch to the Paris World’s Exposition of 1889. So, it turns out that the tower

and the expo were one architectural and engineering complex. Thus, disappearance of the palace and the balcony on the tower are somehow connected. Shall we peer inside the technology building, alas defunct like many others?

This building housed all the technological/engineering achievements of that time. Bunch of photos from that place has survived. Amongst all the devices we see some mini church-like constructions that are standing there for some reason. Do they look familiar?

Have another look.
You know where I am going with this, don't you?

And what do we have here? A domical structure that somehow used to influence the pillars that were located at the top of the building on the background. It is also not excluded that this construction also affected the pillars on the Eiffel Tower balcony.

When all those things were demolished the balcony was not needed any longer so it was replaced with something simpler Before that the balcony looked something like this photo of 1905
The church-like constructions seem to have some connection with the devices standing in the hall.

There are photos from other expos where the similar picture could be seen. This is the Geneva exposition of 1905. The interesting part is zoomed in, since it is hard to notice. It turns out that the well-known obelisk with a lightbulb on the top is part of some technical system.

Here the number of church-like structures is over the top. I'd like to draw your attention to the two apparatuses circled at the bottom of the picture.

Similar devices could also be found in Paris:

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