By trusting your Inner Senses you'll find true Knowledge, your Salvation and a Light for others to follow.
1 Timothy 4:16
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May 17, 2024 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
The Holographic Reality
Chapter 16🧵
Judas said, "Behold, The authorities (Archons) dwell above us, so it is they who will rule over us."
The Savior said, "It is you who will rule over them, but only when you rid yourselves of jealousy, and take on the protection of the Light⤵️
In Gnostic traditions, Sophia the Aeon, The Cup overflowing with the Purest Organic Light, the Divine Feminine from whom the Anthropos were birthed into Existence in the Orion Nebula prophetises the end of the Archontic reign:
May 15, 2024 • 10 tweets • 4 min read
The Holographic Reality
Chapter 14🧵
The Simulacrum operates a multifaceted deception sustained by the Anthropos' Sublime Energy.
The very concept of the Matrix or Prison Planet is nothing more than a self-imposed illusion.
The entropic entities whisper and cajole deep within⤵️
The Anthropos' Mind.
Singing the cacophonous hymn of the Flesh and its Pleasures.
It is their corrupting Lithany that lies behind the religious dogma of Temptation by the Devil
Many succumb to their vicious Song and blindly step on the Road to Perdition. ⤵️
May 14, 2024 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
The Holographic Reality
Chapter 13🧵
To affirm the existence of the Edenic Realm, the individual will have to deny the dominance of the Inverted one. In the past, this has caused the denier much harassment, persecution, and even death. The Machine doesn't tolerate dissenters ⤵️
Many amongst the Anthropos feel a sense of wrongness, an unexplainable spiritual malaise, an alienation towards what the official narrative presents as normality: strangers in a strange land.
Unless one can find the stillness inside oneSelf via a form of personal revelation and⤵️
May 10, 2024 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
The Holographic reality
Chapter 9 🧵
Our reality is a simulation of the Edenic Realm, a cosmic counter-mimicry reflected by the inorganic energy projected by the one referred to in gnostic traditions as Yaldabaoth: the impotent, entropic entity master of lies and deception. ⤵️
Yaldabaoth and its insectoid minions can be considered both a deviation from the path of Creation and part of It, a conscious error: the birthing act of Polarity.
For the Unknowable to be able to know Itself, it was necessary to manifest two opposite Aspects of Itself, thus ⤵️
May 9, 2024 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
The Holographic reality
Chapter 8🧵
The emotional and physical states of discordance and discomfort described in the previous thread are symptoms of the somewhat traumatic awakening of the Spiritual Awareness within our dreaming Self.
What some of us are sensing is that the ⤵️
current reality construct is reaching a stretching point, or moment of profound transition. We have always been travelling within the inverted zone; now, we are being forced to merge and fuse within it. The dreamer is entering into the dream of the mirror world:
May 8, 2024 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
The Holographic reality
Part Seven 🧵
Are you ready to leave this Illusory dimension and reclaim your sovereignty within the Edenic Realm?
There are certain signs to look for in order to real-eyes your state of preparedness:
Body aches and pains Feelings of deep inner sadness⤵️
Unmotivated, powerful emotional reactions.
Sudden change of career.
Withdrawal from family.
Unusual sleep patterns.
Intense, vivid dreams, dreaming within the dream.
Physical disorientation.
Increased self-talk.
Feelings of loneliness.
Loss of passion.
A deep longing to go home⤵️
May 7, 2024 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
The Holographic reality
Part Six🧵
As described in the previous five threads, our reality is a projection of the original 3-bodies system: the Edenic Realm.
More accurately we are experiencing Existence within a counter-mimicry of the Garden of Eden.
The inorganic, insectoid entities that are in control of our reality, have hidden the GOE beyond the Veil of the inanimate planetary system they conjured.
The Edenic Realm remains unsullied because it was created by the purest Organic Light and only the Anthropos (us) are ⤵️
May 6, 2024 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
The Holographic reality
Part Five 🧵
In Part Four, I described the spontaneous genesis of the psychic Parasites (the inorganic entities). Was it accidental as some Gnostic traditions affirm or was it willed by the Unknowable Source of All that Is? ⤵️
Some questions should remain unanswered, we are not supposed to know the Unknowable. The Spark burning brightly in our inner Sanctuary will eventually be reabsorbed within the Inscrutable Mare Magnum and all doubts silenced and still. There will be peace when we are done. ⤵️
May 5, 2024 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
The Holographic reality
Part Four 🧵
The psychic Parasites responsible for the genesis of the Machine ( the false reality Matrix ) came into existence through what can be described as a spontaneous creation.
The Organic Light, the living and intentional plasmic luminosity of ⤵️
The Creator, impacted on the chaotic Shadow Matter present in the primordial vacuum causing the impetus for the inorganic, insectoid forms creation.
This is how some Gnostic traditions describe the birthing of the Archons.
May 4, 2024 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
The Holographic reality
Part Three 🧵
In Part 2 we've seen how the Spiral is the creative impetus of the holographic reality and how the Spiral symbol is embedded in our perception of this Illusory physical existence.
In more philosophical terms we could say that our realm⤵️
Is a counter-mimicry of the Original, organic Plane: the Edenic Realm.
This came to be because the inorganic entities that machinated the Matrix are incapable of original thoughts and creativity. All they can do is imitate and corrupt. They are malformed creatures lacking the ⤵️
May 3, 2024 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
The Holographic reality.
Part Two 🧵
In the previous thread, I described how a hologram is created. When the 2 light sources interact with the film, they start a swirling motion that resolves itself in the form of a spiral.
The Spiral is one of the oldest symbols known to Man⤵️
The Spiral symbol permeates our Realm, from petroglyphs to the Golden Mean Spiral ( the Fibonacci sequence ), labyrinths, mandalas, etc...
On a more psycho spiritual level the spiral represents a gateway between worlds or dimensions.
A portal, a point of Origin, a liminal point⤵️
May 2, 2024 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
The Holographic reality 🧵
Occult Knowledge and modern physics albeit by following diverging paths, have reached the same conclusion: this realm we are experiencing is a sophisticated illusion.
In order to validate this statement, I will endeavour to describe how the illusion ⤵️
Come to be.
How does a hologram work:
to construct a hologram you need two beams of light (lasers). One beam will bounce off the object that you want as a hologram, and the other beam will shine directly onto the special photographic plate or film. ⤵️
May 1, 2024 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
Symbolism and Saturn Worship 🧵
In the liminal space of our collective subconscious resides the occult, vaporous memory of the primordial Era of Existence: the Purple Dawn.
A Time without time that led to the Golden Age of Man and the worship of Saturn, Saturn the sun ⤵️
Saturn, the only divine presence in the crepuscular sky of primeval earth.
Saturn dominated the earth as a Polar Nexus, presiding over a universal Golden Age.
Nowadays we tend to be-Lie-ve that the starry nights that Inspire us and make us wonder have the same configuration as ⤵️
Apr 29, 2024 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
Roswell and the Phoenix🧵
Phoenix, the last word of Hall' statement on the founding of America, is key to the secret destiny of civilization. It reveals the occult design behind the origins of the US and Roswell. These mysteries can be solved if we understand this one word.
The word Phoenix derives from the Greek phoinix (phoenician, reddish purple ). The Phoenicians an ancient, mysterious people, inhabited the East coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Though called "Phoenicians" they referred to themselves as Sidonians.
Apr 27, 2024 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
Roswell, number 33 and 2012🧵
There's an occult thread connecting the Roswell event with the number 33, 2012, 1776 and the Phoenicians.
The Roswell Incident ( 4th, July 1947 ), has been shrouded in mystery and disinformation since its Inception.
What can be described as one of the more convoluted counterinfo operations, begins with the anonymous release of the MJ-12 documents and continues to this day.
Roswell raised the possibility that intelligent extraterrestrial life could exist. The anonymous assistance given to ⤵️
Apr 25, 2024 • 10 tweets • 4 min read
Black Cube symbolism and Saturn. Part Three 🧵
The symbolic duality of the cube has been perniciously deployed by the Cryptocracy to keep humanity in perpetual servitude, chained to this realm we are experiencing.
The Platonic Solids are the building blocks of our reality.
According to physicist, chemist and engineer Dr R. J. Moon, the cube is the foundation of both our Microcosm and Macrocosm
Inspired by the theory of Nestling Platonic Solids by J. Kepler, Dr Moon model posits the cube as the first stable structure with 8 protons in the nucleus⤵️
Apr 23, 2024 • 14 tweets • 5 min read
The Nature of reality and the Creative Energy 🧵
Everything Is Energy and we possess the ability to shape it with the power of our Spirit channelled through our thoughts. Several scientific theories have posited that the physical world is an immense field of energy that ⤵️
and dematerializes in a split second, over and over again. Nothing is solid. This is the world of quantum physics.
It has been proven that thoughts are responsible for holding this ever-shifting energy field together in the form and shape of the objects we know. ⤵️
Apr 20, 2024 • 12 tweets • 4 min read
The Ant People, Orion, the Anu-naki and the Nephilim 🧵
All across the American Southwest we find petroglyphs or pictographs depicting entities with spindly bodies, large eyes, and bulbous heads that sometimes project antennae.
These eerie figures are frequently shown in a ⤵️
a "prayer stance," their elbows and knees positioned at right angles, similar to the ant's bent legs.
Do these rock drawings represent a race of Ant people native to our realm? Are they extra-dimensional beings or are they a manifestation of our collective unconscious?
Apr 19, 2024 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
In a 1994 speech published in the Vologda newspaper Slavyanin, Chabad leader, Messiah Menachem Mendel Schneerson outlined his plans for destroying Ukraine and Russia.
"Slavs, and among them Russians - are the most unbending people in the world. ⤵️
Slavs are unbending as a result of their psychological and intellectual abilities, created by many generations of ancestors. It is impossible to alter these genes. Slav, Russian, can be destroyed, but never conquered. ⤵️
Apr 13, 2024 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
The Deceitful New Age Spirituality🧵
The Oness
Are we all One?
Well that depends on who is the "we"
Living alongside us there are people who seem to be lacking Esprit de vie
While they are not necessarily any less intelligent, successful or physically healthy as anyone else⤵️
they nevertheless show no indication of having any higher components to their consciousness.
Have you ever met anyone who seemed to be strangely one dimensional and hollow inside. This observation is not hard to miss, but it is easy to rationalize away, ⤵️
Apr 12, 2024 • 11 tweets • 4 min read
The Deceitful New Age Spirituality 🧵
The New Age spiritual movement has gained a multitude of enthusiastic followers and be-Lie-verses.
Its message of Love, Light and Oness has captured the minds of many and it's easy to understand why.
The three Abrahimic religions have been unable to satisfy the need for a more effective way to cope with the spiritual needs of western societies.
Their images are tarnished by an ever increasing series of scandals and secular encroachments.