Andrew—Author of America Rises On Substack Profile picture
Pro-Democracy. Anti-Fascism. Gay AF. I’VE READ PROJECT 2025 and WILL NOT LET IT HAPPEN HERE. We will beat Trump again and #ExpandTheCourt

Oct 4, 2020, 16 tweets

We’ve had a psychopath running the country for the past 4 years. I break down what that’s meant for the nation; why Trump cannot change; & will never feel remorse, compassion, guilt, or any remotely human trait. Even with COVID, he cannot care about anyone but himself. (Thread)

Why a psychopath as President has meant disaster for the country (Part 2)

Why a psychopath as President has meant disaster for the country (Part 3)

Why a psychopath as President has meant disaster for the country (Part 4)

Why a psychopath as President has meant disaster for the country (Part 5)

Why a psychopath as President has meant disaster for the country (Part 6)

Why a psychopath as President has meant disaster for the country (Part 7)

Why a psychopath as President has meant disaster for the country (Part 8)

Why a psychopath as President has meant disaster for the country (Part 9)

Why a psychopath as President has meant disaster for the country (Part 10)

Why a psychopath as President has meant disaster for the country (Part 11)

Why a psychopath as President has meant disaster for the country (Part 12)

Why a psychopath as President has meant disaster for the country (Part 13)

Why a psychopath as President has meant disaster for the country (Part 14)

Why a psychopath as President has meant disaster for the country (Part 15)

Why a psychopath as President has meant disaster for the country (Part 16) END

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