Sigmund Judge Profile picture
Apple TV aficionado, @macstoriesnet | Podcaster, Magic Rays of Light | 📩

Oct 4, 2020, 13 tweets

Apple’s TV app has issues cataloging some box sets with search, Siri playback and purchases not recognised. Last week I bought ‘The Big Bang Theory: The Complete Series’ on iTunes with the express goal of fixing the box-set. Here’s how to get a fix within the TV app...

Here’s how the box set was being reviewed on iTunes... eeek

Before I get to the fix, here are examples of what was wrong with this particular box set:

• You would be prompted to pay again for an episode you already owned. The only way to play your purchase was through Library.

• When you played back an episode, the next episode would prompt playback in the bottom right or in your Up Next Queue through HBO Max, prompting you to subscribe to watch your previously purchased content.

• Siri playback would result in a prompt to purchase or subscribe to HBO Max and you couldn’t prompt download of your episodes anywhere other than Library which lists the complete box set in one list of episodes which is a separate gripe but I digress...

To fix any of these types of issues DON’T go to (they really can only issue refunds). Get screen shots ready for evidence.

In the Apple Support App on iOS choose:

More Products > iTunes Store > Subscriptions & Purchases > Describe Your Issue

In the description say:
“Key TV app functionality is broken for [title box set ] on all devices.” This is important so that the Apple Support Advisor knows that this isn’t device specific but is in regard to the TV app itself.

It’s important to be patient and reiterate the issues and offer to submit screenshots. I found if you give a paragraph description with each screenshot it will help move things along. I also mentioned that I’d requested fixes in the past for other titles and they were successful.

Your Apple Support Advisor will likely ask you to stay on hold before transferring you to a Senior Advisor from AppleCare Support. You may be asked the same questions to confirm the fault(s). Remember to be patient. (expect the whole process to take approx 45 mins).

The Senior Advisor will then take the evidence and submit it to the relevant team in charge of the TV app and you’ll receive an email detailing the request and you can reply to that email should you have forgotten anything or should you need to submit additional evidence.

Big Bang was fixed in 7 days & likely had some extra complexity due to HBO Max. My previous fix request for “Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Complete Series” took just 48 hrs.

I hope you found this helpful.

Hopefully Apple overhaul TV app box set cataloging in the near future🤞

I’ve had some feedback from some of you regarding incomplete boxsets (eg Bobs Burgers 1-8) pulled from sale having similar issues.

I’ll take a look at this and detail some of your feedback in next weeks episode of my Apple TV podcast ‘Magic Rays of Light’.

Update: Apple Support has advised that if you have similar issues in future, you can include the original case number to help fast track the issue to the relevant team.

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