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Oct 4, 2020, 6 tweets

original footage from a 1920's weapons test, it was not believed at the time you could sink a battleship with aeroplanes, Brig. General Billy Mitchell insisted that it would be the future of war and so the military ordered tests with decommissioned and captured german ships

Just 40 years after these experiments missile and aeronautics technology had progressed to the point of the military blowing up space in high altitude nuclear tests (STARFISH PRIME) creating artificial belts of radiation around the earth with consequences still not fully realized

Operation Fishbowl consisted of Bluegill, Starfish and Urraca tests. The Starfish Prime detonation was so powerful it damaged many satellites including Telstar Ariel and Cosmos V.

we're in a permanent state of nuclear war in a ceasefire backed by mutually assured destruction. we engage in proxy battles and border conflicts that kill tens of millions with the justification that we're saving hundreds of millions, can we resolve the war before that breaks?

is the acceleration towards total technological immersion designed to protect us from this reality or distract us from this reality ?

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