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Oct 8, 2020, 8 tweets

This is a video of Brandon Caserta, one of the ringleaders of the group of men arrested for a plot where the group planned to kidnap Governor Gretchen Whitmer. Caserta has an anarchist flag behind him and in YouTube videos trashes police. He’s not a Republican, he’s an anarchist.

More on the ideology of one of the men who was busted by the FBI for a plot to kidnap Governor Gretchen Whitmer. In this video he poses in front of an anarchist flag to tell people that the Declaration of Independence is an anarchist document. Brandon Caserta is an anarchist.

"By you participating in the government, you’re participating in slavery dude for everyone else."

He says voting for anyone "is admitting that you believe in the legitimacy of authority which means you believe in the legitimacy of slavery."

Brandon Caserta is an anarchist.

Watch this video of Brandon Caserta. He was arrested for plotting to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. In this video he poses in front of an anarchist flag and calls police "a violent gang" and "enemies". He’s an anarchist who hates government and police.

Tried to get as many videos as I could recorded from Brandon Caserta’s YouTube but in a shock to no one his page has been deleted by so that people can’t see the truth about his ideology. He’s an anarchist, not a Republican and says all politicians are participating in slavery.

I was able to get video of one more of the men arrested in the plot to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. This guy, Pete Musico, says "driving is a right" for people in the intercity and generally attacks boomers for not caring about young people. These guys have a STRANGE ideology.

I was able to get video of another men arrested in the plot to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. This guy, Pete Musico, says races shouldn’t be fighting each other, we’re all the same, government is the real enemy and he attacks police just like Brandon Caserta. Similar ideology.

Wow! This is big. Brandon Caserta, one of the ringleaders of the group of men arrested for a plot where the group planned to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer hated President Trump too!

"Trump is not your friend dude"

He says that Trump is "a tyrant" and describes him as an "enemy".

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