CONFIRM JUDGE SCOTT COLOM 👨🏾‍⚖️ Profile picture

Oct 17, 2020, 12 tweets

THREAD w/ highlights from Cindy Hyde-Smith's interview today. Yes, this is the trainwreck you think it is.

The interview starts with asking Cindy why she refused to debate @MikeEspyMS and OMG this is awkward. 1/

Byron asked Cindy about her statement that the home of Jefferson Davis president of the Confederacy, is "Mississippi history at its best."

BYRON: "Is this really Mississippi's history at its best?"

CINDY: "It is displayed very well." 2/

The "civil unrest"?

Cindy refers to lynchings in Mississippi as "civil unrest." There's nothing civil about terrorism. 3/

BYRON: "Do you support a bill that would keep children under the age of 26 on their parents' health insurance?"

CINDY: "For people that can afford that, when they're in the position that they need affordable healthcare."

Huh? (Then Cindy lied about lowering drug costs.) 4/

"Do you think the president should have set an example of wearing a mask more often?"

Oh, Cindy not gonna talk smack about Trump. 😂 5/

Cindy should never speak about qualified immunity again. She is clearly too ill-informed to speak about it. 6/

Cindy opposes Initiative 65 and Initiative 65A because (a) law enforcement opposes it, (b) she believes the federal gov't should decide this issue for Mississippi, (c) people abuse opioids, and (d) illegal drugs come across the border.

Wow. 7/

Here is Cindy's complete interview with WJTV. Cindy's campaign has collapsed, and she knows it. 8/

If anyone wants to give Cindy the benefit of the doubt about whether Jefferson Davis is one of the pieces of MS's history that Cindy's "not proud of," please note that when Cindy was a state senator, she tried to name a highway in her county after Jefferson Davis. 9/

I wanted Byron to ask Cindy who she refers to as "they" in this quote. Sadly, that question didn't get in.

"They remind me that there's a lot of liberal folks...who maybe we don't want to vote. Maybe we want to make it more difficult to vote. I think that's a great idea." 10/

For comparison, @MikeEspyMS also gave an interview yesterday. See below: 11/

Another @MikeEspyMS appearance. 12/

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