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Oct 5, 2024 54 tweets 22 min read
While Republicans nationally aim to prevent children from coming into custody, Andrea Sanders tells @NicoleAkinsBoyd Mississippi has an alarming, ever-growing intake of children entering custody and some MS courts are conducting suspicionless drug tests en masse on all parents. "Bringing children into custody does not make every child safer, and in fact it should be a last resort for the state with other measures taken if possible."

—Andrea Sanders to @NicoleAkinsBoyd @bricewigginsMS @JeremyEnglandMS @SenRodHickman @SenDavidBlount @zakiyasummers
Oct 3, 2024 9 tweets 4 min read
🧵 I'm happy to help @JeremyEnglandMS learn!

1. Harris' housing plan includes tax cuts and deregulation to boost supply, whereas Trump's global tariffs would and mass deportations would limit supply. If England wants to help, he should sponsor zoning reform legislation. 2. I don't know of a plan to give taxpayers more money for groceries unless @JeremyEnglandMS means the child tax credit. To that end, Harris' proposal is quite modest compared to JD Vance's.
Jul 21, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Huh. @RepEzell thanked @SecretaryPete for the historic support Pete's giving the MS Gulf Coast—but then Ezell told WLOX that Pete neglects the MS Gulf Coast because he only cares about Biden supporters.

Ezell said that's why Pete joined @BennieGThompson in Jackson and the Delta.

I always thought it seemed like @RepEzell gets along with @SecretaryPete quite well.
Jul 13, 2024 26 tweets 14 min read
🧵 Dep. Tommy Mason beat James Hughey so badly in 2017 that he broke several of Hughey's ribs and ruptured Hughey's spleen.

Judge Percy grants Mason's motion for qualified immunity because Hughey does not remember enough specific details of the attack due to ammonia poisoning. Image Mason's first of several motions for QI argues that Hughey's complaint should be thrown for failure to plead specific facts about the attack beyond Hughey's ability to remember them. Mason does not state his verion of events.

Jul 4, 2024 33 tweets 14 min read
🧵 Tate promised to cut vehicle purchases when he ran for lt. gov.

But upon getting approval to sign contracts worth $15,505,234,725.00 for Tate's donors, Tate's administration got permission to buy the state another airplane for $8,000,000.00 via non-competitive procurement. Tate's administration told the PPRB they believe no one would be willing to sell an airplane to Mississippi if the state uses competitive bidding.

So, the administration asked the PPRB for permission to make the purchase without using a reverse auction. 2/ Image
Jul 18, 2023 13 tweets 5 min read
"My savior was betrayed by one of his chosen, and I believe we've experienced the same," a weeping Wendell Ladner told Madison County's board today, speaking against rental property.

"Judas was honorable enough to recognize the magnitude of his betrayal and committed suicide."
This group of speakers got started with: "I want to remind each of you why most of us left the Jackson area." 🙄

"This development by D.R. Horton, allegedly, will be the very avenue that begins the destruction of Madison," Regina Edwards concluded.
Nov 13, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Brian Flowers intends to contest his loss to Bennie Thompson and is looking for a lawyer.

Michael Watson is the go-to lawyer for delegitimizing Mississippi elections and for shredding black votes, but Watson is not currently available to sign up clients for election contests. Flowers and his team are working to identify the Hinds County officials who were bribed.

Flowers appears to have ruled out the possibility that no one was bribed.
Nov 8, 2022 25 tweets 14 min read
🧵 Declaring that democracy either is or is not on the ballot is too simplistic.

We are at risk of democratic backsliding, and many of today's elections will either increase or decrease our risk. I'll thread some thoughts. 1/ MSians overwhelmingly adopted Initiative 65, yet three of MS's four Congressional reps still oppose:

➡️ Decriminalizing marijuana under federal law
➡️ Allowing banks to serve cannabis businesses operating lawfully under state law
➡️ Allowing even medical marijuana *research* 2/
Sep 16, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
🧵 Tate cracked me up at "I don't recall EXACTLY what occurred then" because Tate's memory is not bad enough that he completely forgot his 2011 campaign. 😂

Anyway, Tate says the thing he doesn't recall is former Mayor Harvey Johnson's fault. But the good news is that... 1/4 ...Tate says Jackson simply isn't going to need to take out more bond debt since enough other funds and better forms of debt will be available for Jackson's water/sewer system to be repaired.

Great! Let's hold him to it. 2/4
Sep 15, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
WATSON: Does this new law I supported prohibit me from continuing to offer my office's #PromoteTheVote program, which I also support, as is?

FITCH: Could be, or maybe not. Gov. @TateReeves is proud that he signed into law HB1365, which according to Lynn Fitch either did or didn't ban @MississippiSOS from continuing to offer Mississippi's #PromoteTheVote program as is.
Sep 15, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
"In Mississippi, a state of three million people with the highest poverty rate in the nation, just about 200 adults receive welfare." —@ayewolfe The page count of Mississippi's TANF manual is more than 4x bigger than the number of adults who receive TANF benefits in Mississippi. See:…
Jul 13, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
THREAD: Reacting to Shad's report, Madison County Schools:

➡️ Blocked social media games and streaming services like Netflix, even when students are at home
➡️ Bought a new web filter from Linewize
➡️ Blocked internet use from 8:30pm to 6:30am 1/ IT vendors like Linewize will be enriched if more school districts purchase more of their filters and services in reaction to Shad's report.

The administration said they also use filters to detect self-harm and sounded like they believe they prevented two suicides. 2/
Jun 12, 2022 16 tweets 6 min read
THREAD: I hope every Michael Guest supporter in the June 28 primary runoff watches this debate between @JeremyEnglandMS and Chris McDaniel.

Here's why. 🧵👇
1/3 of the voters in MS's 3rd district are black, and since the GOP primary was the only contested primary on June 7, every voter in the district can vote in the June 28 primary.

To that end, Guest & Cassidy should compete for all voters, both white and black. 2/
Jun 10, 2022 12 tweets 6 min read
THREAD: Michael Watson writes that "in Mississippi, you can always TRUST that your vote will be counted!"

Listed below are some (but not all!) of the reasons why votes don't count in Mississippi. 1/ Image If your polling place changed and you weren't notified, you will be offered an affidavit ballot, but it will not count. 2/

Jun 7, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read
🧵 Apart from the 70 precincts moved, voters in cities that don't use the same precincts as their county will have to remember to return to the polling place where they voted in 2020 and NOT the polling place where they voted in last year's municipal elections.

E.g. Ridgeland: Image For example, these are Ridgeland's precincts for municipal elections (top) and for county/state/federal elections (bottom).

(The western boundary differs between the two images due to an annexation.) Image
Jun 2, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
🧵 The MS Constitution says: "The right of every citizen to keep and bear arm...shall not be called in question." So how can we have a state law banning felons from possessing guns even if they're citizens?

Well, here's all I can tell you... 1/ Officers responding to a burglary call in Coahoma County in 1996 found Latrenda James threatening suicide.

They arrested James for burglary and felon-in-possession of a firearm. The firearm charge was dropped, and James was sentenced to three years for possessing the gun. 2/
May 31, 2022 9 tweets 5 min read
Not only does Mississippi have a shortage of 3,000 teachers, but we also have vacancies in law enforcement agencies throughout the state.

Michael Guest believes we should add young, energetic, not-near-retirement officers in schools throughout the state. Mississippi's schools don't all have sufficient water service for students to go to the bathroom at school.

But Michael Guest believes they will be able to prevent or stop school shootings through surveillance technology.

May 30, 2022 12 tweets 4 min read
THREAD: If you are a Mississippi taxpayer, then the #MSleg and DA Doug Evans lit $300,000 of your hard-earned money on fire.

Here's how. 🧵👇 Christopher Blount was born in 1981 and is clearly a meth addict.

Blount was charged with meth possession twice when he was about 20. Blount was sentenced to 5 years on the Grenada County charge in 2002—then, he was sentenced to 8 years on the Carroll County charge in 2003. 2/
May 15, 2022 11 tweets 4 min read
THREAD: @RepMichaelGuest represents the state w/ the highest black population and is @HomelandGOP's vice-ranking member.

Yet, Guest lacks concern about domestic terror threats against minorities, often skipping hearings on the topic, like the one below. 1/… Guest also skipped the committee's hearing on domestic terrorism threats in the wake of the January 6 insurrection. 2/…
Apr 7, 2022 16 tweets 6 min read
THREAD: Marvin Howell's death sentence relies on a 1999 sentence to serve three years for simple possession of less than ¼ oz. of marijuana.

At the request of no party, a 7-2 MS Supreme Court proposes overturning precedent to block Howell from challenging the 1999 conviction. 1/ Howell filed a petition in 2016 challenging his 1999 sentence to serve three years for possession of 0.24 ounces of marijuana at the age of 17

Howell argued his 1999 sentence was illegal because it exceeded the maximum penalty authorized by statute. 2/
Mar 6, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
VOTER INFO ALERT 🚨 SecState Michael Watson says Mississippi voters need to check their voter registration status online "as often as you can."

The burden is on you to continually check your status in case you are wrongfully purged:… This is a link to voter purge legislation currently pending in the Mississippi Legislature:…