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Oct 19, 2020, 37 tweets

With all of this dirty Chinese money being laundered to the Bidens, CIA spies killed by China coinciding with that pay-off, and the Alan Parrot CIA whistleblower info re Benghazi and Seal Team 6/Extortion17, I reviewed this indictment from the DOJ. 1/…

So Pras from the Fugees and Chinese businessman Jho Low were laundering illegal foreign campaign contributions into the coffers of "Candidate A." 2/

We know "Candidate A" is
@BarackObama because, as the incumbent, he was the only candidate with access to the White House in 2011-2012. 3/

As an aside, this indictment is the key to the treasure trove of 1MDB bank scandal info that implicates a lot of people. But that is for another dig/thread or some diganon who isn't trying to cook dinner rn and tend to kiddos. 4/

The indictment says that 9/14/2012, Obama ("Candidate A"), Pras, and Jho Low's dad were at a $40k/head fundraiser at a private residence in DC. 5/

Checking Obama's schedule shows us that he was at a private fundraiser "off 25th St. NW between L and M Sts." 6/…

That is the Super Swampy West End neighborhood. That location fits Westminster Court Condos, but these seem a bit small for a group of 35 people. 7/…

I have no idea whose private residence that was, but I suspect Harry Reid's nearby Ritz-Carlton Condo. To be sure, though, there are so many Swampy Candidates, and I am also eyeballing the ambassador to Afghanistan. 8/…

So that is where Obama was in the evening. Earlier that day was the day he and Hillary met the Benghazi coffins at the AFB hangar. Then he (probably both of them) met up at the DNC. I WONDER WHAT WAS DISCUSSED. 9/……

So, to recap, Benghazi shtf, and, afterwards, Obama goes to the DNC, then a fundraiser, and takes pics with Pras of Fugees fame and Chinese business man Jho Low's father - both of whom are now indicted by the DOJ for laundering illegal campaign contributions to Obama. 10/

Let's follow Pras. Part of why I suspect an ambassador's house being the location of the fundraiser is because of how Swampy ambassadors are. Anyone ever heard of PACEGI? 11/

Or "The Washington Diplomat" - a trade publication that I am positive sits on every coffee table in every waiting room of every foreign embassy? This is the September, 2012 issue, the same month as Benghazi and that fundraiser... 12/…

Haiti. Pras is Haitian. CF was in Haiti after the earthquake (many digs on this already). Let's look at PACEGI in Haiti. The "Presidential Advisory Committee for Economic Growth and Investment." So what is it? 13/…

Co-chaired by @BillClinton. Of course. Here he is, with Pras' bandmate and Goodwill Ambassador, Wyclef Jean. 14/…

So PACEGI members are appointed by the Haitian President, who, at this time, is Michel Martelly. You know who helped get Martelly into office? Pras, of course. 15/…

Icymi, here is a pic of Pras, Bill Clinton, and Sean Penn from that NYT article. 15/

So what does all of this have to do with dead USA spies in China? Keep following Pras... 16/

As Pras was on his global jaunt to collect illegal foreign money, bribes, and kickbacks for his political handlers, he made a stop in North Korea. 17/…

That guy on the right is a Canadian 'citizen' named Michael Spavor who lives in China but crosses the border to NK for his Paektu Cultural Exchange. Just going in to NK like regular ol' Joe Molson 6 Pack, eh? 18/…

Paektu Cultural Exchange promotes "investment" in NK. His website has been scrubbed, but I grabbed some screenshots from his IG. 19/…

Just having Long Island Iced Teas with Kimmy on his yacht. 20/

Recalling a funny story about Dennis Rodman. 21/

Ok, wtf is this? "Best choice to cure and prevent new flu and other epidemics. Fairy Tales have come true." What kind of injection is this? 22/

And this one about blood. "Royal Blood - Fresh. Who says you can't grow younger and cleverer?" I mean, it seems to be some anti-coagulant, but "younger?" "Cleverer?" What's in those pills? 23/

So Pras uses Michael Spavor to get in to NK, where he does the ALS ice bucket challenge, and what happens to Mr. Spavor? 24/

He is jailed by the Chinese as a Canadian spy in December, 2018. 25/…

I want to add - about Pras and those weird meds from is (who I am fairly certain is) Dr. Fauci, at the First Ladies of Africa Dinner in 2009 with Pras.…

But wait, there's more! Apparently, Pras *just so* happened to be present when the Maersk Alabama was attacked by Somali Pirates. 27/…

This is the *same* Maersk Alabama where 2 ex-Navy Seals were found dead. Their family disputes the drug overdose claims. What was on that ship that that resulted in 2 dead Navy Seals and an indicted Pras present to document it? 28/…

I mean, Pras has had to sue to try to get that footage. What's on that film?

*Correction* I keep calling Jho Low "Chinese," but he is actually Malaysian. His involvement with 1MDB is the key to the illegal foreign kickbacks and money laundering, including, but not limited to, Chinese bribes. 30/

Pras was a founding member of Organizing For Action, according to the Free Beacon link above and here:…


We know from the indictment that Pras was using shell companies to funnel illegal contributions in to Obama's reelection campaign, just as they use Foundations and NGOs to do the same. It's RICO 101. 32/

Perhaps it's time for a 1MDB dig... 33/

So remember how Obama kept appointing completely unqualified people to ambassadors positions? Here, he appointed the VP of HBO to Spain. Great. I am sure he worked out some great cable packages in negotiations. Or something. 34/…

So we have entertainers getting indicted on Federal charges, scoring lucrative embassy posts, and shilling for the DNC 24/7 despite alienating half of their customers. Why? Because their films are a money-laundering conduit. And they got a cut. 35/

Oh, what's this news today about 1MDB and Goldman-Sachs?

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