Clandestine Printing Press Profile picture
Escaped the root cellar to be the Town Crier.
TRUMP GAL ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Profile picture Chantale Profile picture Q Sez Profile picture JaQie Space Force Profile picture logos_serves Profile picture 10 subscribed
Aug 9, 2022 9 tweets 5 min read
Bots repeating the same verbatim response, back-to-back in the same replies. They're not even trying.

#FBIMaralago #fbiraidmaralago They send the same one to respond to several different R/Conservative blue check accounts.
Nov 5, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
This rag is so disingenuous. It's basically talking about hookworms and acknowledges that a pack of stray dogs are in the area of illegals, yet it mostly blames sewage infrastructure instead of the dogs and...2nd and 3rd world field shitters.… I mean, of course they tried to gaslight their readers by using the scary-sounding Latin term, "Strongyloides," instead of telling the reader it's basically like hookworms.
Oct 26, 2020 32 tweets 12 min read
We may not be able to follow the money, but we *can* follow the Bag Man. This tattoo is a money laundering map to Shell Companies. This is a clusterfuck, but I will do my best. 1/ Image Weaponized Autists found that the tattoo is of the Finger Lakes in upstate NY, which is meaningful to Hunter because it's where his mom, Neilia, was from (born in Skaneateles, NY). 2/… Image
Oct 19, 2020 37 tweets 13 min read
With all of this dirty Chinese money being laundered to the Bidens, CIA spies killed by China coinciding with that pay-off, and the Alan Parrot CIA whistleblower info re Benghazi and Seal Team 6/Extortion17, I reviewed this indictment from the DOJ. 1/… Image So Pras from the Fugees and Chinese businessman Jho Low were laundering illegal foreign campaign contributions into the coffers of "Candidate A." 2/ Image